P. 109



          a) Answer the following questions.
           1.  In which everyday situations do you make a request?
           2.  Do you think the expressions you choose to make a request change people’s answers?

          b) Listen to the conversations and tick the expressions you hear.
              F    1. Can you… ?                       F   5. Would it be possible for you to… ?
              F    2. Do you think you could… ?        F   6. Could you… ?
              F    3. Do you mind if I… ?              F   7. Would you mind… ?

              F    4. Would you… ?                     F   8. Will you… ?

          c) Listen again and fill in the missing parts.

            1.  It’s too ____________ .  2.    I’m ____________ .  3.  It’s ____________ in here.  4.  I’m ____________ .

          d) Read the sentences and put them into the correct category.
                  Hang on a second, please.                         Hello, this is ….
                  Can I leave a message?                            Who’s calling, please?
                  Can I take a message?                             I’ll ask her/him to call you back.
                  I’m afraid s/he is not available at the moment.    I’m sorry, s/he’s not available right now.
                  Hello, it is … speaking.                          Can I speak to…?
                                 Caller                                            Receiver

                ____________________________________                  ____________________________________
                ____________________________________                  ____________________________________
                ____________________________________                  ____________________________________
                ____________________________________                  ____________________________________
                ____________________________________                  ____________________________________
                ____________________________________                  ____________________________________

          e) Fill in the missing parts with the expressions given.

              a. May I speak to John, please?  b. Just a moment, please.  c. Sorry, he’s out.  d. Do you want to leave a message?

               Ashley  : Hello, this is Ashley.   __________     John    : Hi, it is John speaking. Is Thomas available?
           1                                                 2
               Jeremy  : I’m sorry, he is not here right now.    Arthur   : I’m sorry, he is not at the moment. __________

               Mike    : Hello, is Mark there?                   Sophia  : Hello, can I speak to Olivia?
           3                                                 4
               Sally   : __________                              Emily   : __________ Olivia! It’s for you!

          Read the following role cards and prepare a phone call with your friend, then act it out.

                                   Speaker A                                 Speaker B

                      You are calling your friend to ask for help   Your friend is calling you. S/he is asking for
                      with your homework. Start the conversation   help with his/her homework. Accept his / her
                      and make your request.                     request and end the conversation.

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