P. 117


          Multiple Choice

          7.  Which of the following word is appropriate to complete   10.  Which of the following is the correct order of the
            the sentence?                                          sentences in the dialogue?
               Daniel is at the newsagent’s because he wants to buy a ...... .     I.     What about the music?
             A)  kilo of beef                                      II.    You are responsible for it.
                                                                   III.   Yes, I have. Jack is organising food and drinks; Pole is
             B)  magazine
                                                                       decorating the room.
             C)  shampoo
                                                                   IV.   Hi, Nadia. We’re having a birthday party for Martin at the
             D)  kilo of rice                                          weekend. Would you like to join us?
             E)  candle                                            V.    Sure. Have you made the arrangements?
                                                                    A)  IV - I - III - V - II
                                                                    B)  IV - V - III - I - II
                                                                    C)  I - II - V - III - IV
                                                                    D)  V - III - II - I - IV
                                                                    E)  IV - V - II - III - I

          8.  Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.  11.  Choose the best option that completes the dialogue
               John :  Hi, Mary. Shall we go to the cinema on Saturday?
                                                                       Father :  ...... help me to repair the fences, Jason?
               Mary :  ......
                                                                       Jason :  Oh, OK. When do we start?
               John :  I am not into horror films. Why don’t we watch a
                       comedy?                                      A)  Shall we
               Mary :  OK. See you, in front of the cinema at 6 p.m.  B)  Why do you
              John :  See you. Bye.                                 C)  How about
             A)  I don’t have any plans. Why?                       D)  Can you please
             B)  Hi, John. Great, thanks. How are you doing?        E)  Why do you have to
             C)  That sounds good. How about watching ‘Scream’?
             D)  Let’s go to the cinema together.
             E)  Why not? See you there, bye.

          9.  Choose the best option that completes the dialogue   12.  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.
            below.                                                     Jack ......  a birthday party for me tomorrow.
               Lisa :  Will you buy me a brand-new mobile phone, dad?
                                                                    A)  is going to throw
               Dad :   I’m not sure .......
                                                                    B)  threw
               Lisa :  Please. I really need it!
                                                                    C)  throws
               Dad :   OK, you won.
                                                                    D)  are throwing
             A)  Is there any problem with your phone?              E)  are going to throw
             B)  Well, isn’t it too expensive?
             C)  Let me think about it.
             D)  Can I ask something?
             E)  Sorry, we are out of pocket.

                                                                                  English for Preparatory Class   115
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