P. 118


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)  Barbecue party: beef burgers, lawn games, fire extinguishers       Birthday party: chocolate cakes, party hats, presents
          Vocabulary         Farewell party: goodbye songs, slide of old memories, goodbye dinners    Graduation party: diplomas, gowns, graduation caps
                             Slumber party: pillows, pyjamas, scary films
                          c)  1. h    2. c    3. f    4. i    5. e    6. a    7. b    8. j    9. g    10. d
                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)   ☑  1.   ☑  4.    ☑  6.    ☑  8.
                          c)  1. loud      2. hungry      3. hot        4. busy
                                          Caller                               Receiver
                                Can I speak to...?             I'll ask him / her to call you back.
          Listening             Can I leave a message?         I'm afraid he / she is not available at the moment.
                                Hello, it's ..... speaking.    Who's calling, please?
                                Hello, this is ....?           Can I take a message?
                                                               I'm sorry, he / she's not available right now.
                                                               Hang on a second, please.

                          e)  1. a   2. d   3. c   4. b   Speaking   Students’ own answers

                          a)  1. am going to go    2. is going to be    3. are going to make   4. are going to decorate
                             5. is going to shop    6. are going to buy    7. is going to study    8. are going to miss

          Structure       b)  1. Why don’t you    2. should / could / needs to  3. Let’s    4. should / could / needs to
                             5. recommend / suggest   6. How about      7. recommend / suggest   8. Why don’t you
                             Speaking   Students’ own answers

                          a)   balloons  ✔  cupcakes  ✔  cock           beverages    ✔   invitation Cards  ✔
                             cakes      ✔  gifts      ✔  decorations  ✔  mobile phone    candles        ✔
                          b)   3
          Reading         c)   1.  Fiona        2.  Matilda       3.  Haile          4.  Matilda
                          d)   5.  Samantha     6.  Kevin and Tom  7.  Fiona         8.  Fiona
                             1.  Because they are going to celebrate Cindy’s birthday. 3.  Lilly is not going to attend the party.
                             2.  She likes eating doughnuts.     4.  They are going to get dressed in pink.  Students’ own answers
                                                                                              Multiple Choice
                                                    1  S
                                                                                                     1)  B
                                                    2  L  O  A  F  1
                                                                                                     2)  C
                                                    3 C  U  4 P   5 B                                3)  A

                                                     E      A      A     6  D  4                     4)  C
                                                           7 C  A  R   T   O  N                      5)  B
                                                8                       3                            6)  C
          Fun Page                           2   T          K              Z
          Crossword Puzzle               9 B O   U  Q   U   E  T           E                         7)  B

                             10 P         A      B          T              N                         8)  C
                      11  K  I  L  O      S      E                                                   9)  C
                               A          K                                                          10)  B
                      12 B O   T  T   L   E                                                          11)  D

                       O       E          T     KEYWORD:    F O O     D                              12)  A


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