P. 121



          a) Listen to the conversation and tick the phrases you hear.
            F  1. May I add something to that?
            F  2. Sorry to interrupt, but...
            F  3. Can I stop you there for a moment?
            F  4. You have a point here.
            F  5. May I have a word here?
            F  6. Can I add something here?
            F  7. I’m sorry for interrupting, but...
            F  8. Pardon me.

          b) Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks.

            1.  John: What do you think about the effects of social media?
                Sally: ___________________________, there are both positive and negative points.

            2.  Molly: Do you agree that the TV is an effective way to learn new things?
                Mark: ___________________________, it is not.

            3.  Tony: ___________________________, Internet addiction is an important factor for obesity.

                Jack: I couldn’t agree more.

            4.  Gemma: ___________________________, school exams shouldn’t be compulsory.

                Henry: I have a different opinion about it.

            5.  Sofia: How do you feel about social media’s future?

                Benjamin: ___________________________ that it will dominate our lives.

          c) Below are some questions about the future. Match them with predictions as answers.
            1.  Who will help us with the household chores?      F  a. Everyone will live in skyscrapers.
            2.  How long will people live?                       F  b. Robots will teach students.

            3.  Where will people live?                          F  c. People will eat pills for meals.
            4.  What will education be like?                     F  d. No one. We will have our personal robots.
            5.  What will people eat?                            F  e. People will live to be 150 years old.


          Prepare a dialogue similar to the ones in ‘exercise b’. Include the answers of the following questions in your speech,
          and then act it out in the class.

             What do you think about the effects of television?
             Do you agree that the TV is an effective way to learn new things?
             How do you feel about television’s future?

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