P. 124



          a) Read the brochure for a three-day break in London and complete the conversation of two friends with the correct form
            of  verbs in the parenthesis. Use present continuous tense.
              Welcome to London, a city that is full of cultural treasures and history. Prepare for a once-in-a-lifetime trip through time
            and get lost in the lively atmosphere of this beautiful city.

                  Day 1: Exploring the         Day 2: Cultural Marvels and Royal   Day 3: Modern Marvels and Local
                     Historic Gems                       Splendour                          Delights

                       Morning:                          Morning:                           Morning:
                    Tower of London                    British Museum                       The Shard
                      Afternoon:                         Afternoon:                        Afternoon:
                   River Thames Cruise                Westminster Abbey                  Borough Market
                   Buckingham Palace                   National Gallery                    South Bank
                       Evening:                          Evening:                           Evening:
                     Covent Garden                    West End Theatre                    Camden Town

          Enjoy your stay in London, a city that seamlessly blends tradition and innovation, history and modernity. Safe travels!
          Mary  : Hey, Selen! Have you seen this London brochure? It’s so much fun! We are looking at treasures from the past, learning about
                     cultural wonders, and enjoying modern treats. I’m so excited!
          Selen : Wow, Mary, that sounds so cool! People know London for its long past and lively culture. So, what are we going to do on the
                     first day?
          Mary  : Well, we’re going to see some of the city’s famous sites. In the morning, we (1) ___________________ (visit) the Tower of
                     London and in the afternoon, we’re going on a cruise down the River Thames. We (2) ___________________ (sail) down the
                     river and taking in the beautiful scenery. We’re going to Buckingham Palace after that. We (3) ___________________ (watch)
                     the ceremony where the guards change places. It’s so wonderful!
          Selen : Mary, that is amazing! What do we have planned for the evening?
          Mary  : We’re going to Covent Garden in the evening. We (4) ___________________ (take) a walk through the busy market, watching
                     street performers,  and eating tasty food. It’s such a lively and interesting place!
          Selen : I can already feel the energy of the city just by imagining it! Now, let’s talk about day two. What are our plans?
          Mary  : Well, in the morning, we are visiting the British Museum. We (5) ___________________ (explore) its vast collection of artifacts
                     from around the world. It’s truly fascinating! And in the afternoon, we are going to Westminster Abbey to see its stunning
                     architecture and the tombs of famous historical figures. Then, we are visiting the National Gallery. It’s such a treat for art lovers
                     like us!
          Selen : Oh, I’m so excited to be surrounded by all that art and history! And what’s the plan for the evening?
          Mary  : For the evening, we are going to a West End Theatre. We are watching a fantastic play or musical. The performances are
                     outstanding, and the atmosphere is electric!
          Selen : Mary, that sounds like a wonderful way to end the day. Let’s move on to the last day we’ll spend in London. What are we in for?
          Mary  : On the last day, we are exploring the modern marvels and local delights of the city. In the morning, we are going to The Shard.
                     We (6) ___________________ (enjoy) breathtaking views of the city from its observation deck. It’s absolutely stunning! And in
                     the afternoon, we are visiting Borough Market. We (7) ___________________ (taste) delicious food from local people. We are
                     also exploring the South Bank, taking a leisurely walk along the river. And in the evening, we (8) ___________________ (head)
                     to Camden Town to enjoy the lively street scene.
          Selen : I can’t wait to see the city from The Shard and try out some of the best food in the area. Camden Town also seems like a fun
                     place to visit. Everyone can find something to do in London.
          Mary  : Absolutely, Selen! London is a city that seamlessly blends tradition and innovation, and we are lucky to experience it. Let’s make
                     the most of our trip and create unforgettable memories.
          Selen : I couldn’t agree more, Mary! Let’s enjoy every bit of our adventure in London. Safe travel to us!

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