P. 123



          b) Match the halves to make a meaningful sentence.
          F   1. Susan, please come to the office,            a.  or she will be dismissed from the school.
          F   2. I know you were afraid due to my call,       b.  I’ll tell you the updates of the project.
          F   3. She had better pass the exams;               c.  I promise, I won’t call you at nights again.
          F   4. As soon as you put the baby in the bed,      d.  I’ll give you a lift if you want.
          F   5. I’m about to leave;                          e.  she will be awake and start crying.
          F   6. Harry got a rise in salary last month,       f.   and they will visit us in a few days.
          F   7. Giselle and Benny are back;                  g.  I think it will snow.
          F   8. I’m cold, and it’s becoming chilly;          h.  so he will buy that sports car soon.
                                                   EXPRESSING OPINION
           When we want to express our opinions, we say:
             I think…           I suppose…                In my view…                      As for me….
           ◽                 ◽                         ◽                                ◽
             I believe…         I guess….                 In my opinion…                   I’m of the opinion that…
           ◽                 ◽                         ◽                                ◽
             I feel…            To me…                    From my perspective / point of view…   If you ask me…
           ◽                 ◽                         ◽                                ◽
           When we want to express that we have / share the same thoughts, we say:
             I agree with you / him / her / them…   Definitely!
          ◽                                  ◽                                    You’re absolutely right…
             I really think so.                 Absolutely! - That’s a good point…  ◽
          ◽                                  ◽                                    Sure…
             I couldn’t agree with you more.    That’s true…                   ◽
                                                                                  I guess so!
          ◽                                  ◽
             I totally agree…                   That’s just it!                ◽
          ◽                                  ◽
           When we want to express that we do not have the same opinion, we say:
                                                I don’t agree.
             I disagree.                     ◽                                    I’m not so sure about that.
                                                Not at all!
          ◽                                                                    ◽
             I don’t think so.               ◽                                    I’m afraid I disagree.
                                                No chance!
          ◽                                                                    ◽
             I totally disagree.             ◽                                    I don’t feel the same.
                                                No way!
          ◽                                                                    ◽
                                             INTERRUPTING A CONVERSATION
           We interrupt a conversation when we want to give a message, ask a tough question, give our opinion on the topic, or
           be a part of the conversation. We can use:
             I’m sorry to interrupt but ...
                                                                 Can I stop you there for a moment?
             I apologize for the interruption but ...
                                                                 Just a moment, I like to add something here…
             I hope you’ll excuse me for interrupting but...
                                                   ASKING FOR OPINION
           When we ask for other people’s opinions, we say:
             What do you think?                 What’s your view / opinion?       Don’t you think …?
           ◽                                 ◽                                 ◽
             What do you think about …?         Do you agree with me?             Wouldn’t you say that?
           ◽                                 ◽                                 ◽
          c) Read the statements and circle the correct option..
           1. You explained the reasons clearly, but I don’t feel the same.  2. I haven’t finished yet what I say. Please let me tell the rest.
           a) allowing an interruption  b) disagreeing        a) allowing an interruption  b) asking opinion
           3. John: What do you think about AI?
            Bruce: I think it’s transforming the world, we have to catch up with   4. If you were in my shoes, wouldn’t you say that?
                  current trends.
           a) asking opinion        b) continuing after an interruption   a) agreeing   b) asking for opinion
           5. As I was saying before, she had to confess the truth and they made   6. I couldn’t agree more. She has been so offended lately; we should
            peace.                                              meet and discuss this problem soon.
           a) continuing after an interruption   b) interrupting a conversation  a) expressing opinion  b) agreeing

           7. Alice: Teenagers are addicted to the social media, umm…  8. Everybody is in a rush at malls; to me online shopping saves us from
            Ben: I’m sorry to interrupt but everybody loves spending time on   the crowds and offers us more options.
                social media not just teenagers.

           a) allowing an interruption  b) interrupting a conversation  a) expressing opinion  b) disagreeing

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