P. 122



           We use will for predictions, spontaneous decisions, promises, threats, requests and making decisions.
                                                                                 Will you bring a glass of water, please?
            I think Brazil will win the world cup.   I promise I will complete my homework today.  ◽
          ◽                                 ◽                                    Waiter: What would you like to drink, sir?
            Mary is about to sleep; I will bring her a blanket.   Keep quiet, or I will punish you!  ◽
                                                                                John: I will have a coffee.
          ◽                                 ◽
           I / You / We / They / She / He / It  will sleep soon.
           I / You / We / They / She / He / It  will not (won’t) play volleyball.
          Will I / you / we / they / she / he / it  go to home?

          Be going to
                                Usage                                             Examples
                                                                I am going to visit my grandfather next month.
           We use be going to to talk about future plans and intentions.
                                                                My brother loves cooking. He is going to be a famous chef.
          I am going to study Medicine.  You / We / They are going to stay at home tonight.   She / He / It is going to eat something.
           I am not going to watch TV tonight.  You / We / They are not going to play the piano.  She / He / It is not going to walk in the street.
          Am I going to wait here?        Are you / we / they going to park there?  Is he / she / it going to stay in the garden?

          Present Continuous Tense
                                 Usage                                             Examples
                                                                I am graduating next year.
           We use Present Continuous Tense for fixed arrangements related   ◽
                                                                We are playing football tonight.
           to future actions.                                ◽
                                                             ◽  Jessica is flying to Berlin next week.
                                                                                He / She / It is leaving in an hour, so hurry up
           I am travelling to Edirne tomorrow.  You / We / They are having dinner in a luxury restaurant.
                                                                                and finish packing your bags.
           I am not attending the party tomorrow  You / We / They are not watching the movie tonight as  He / She / It is not arriving on Friday, so they
           because I have other plans.  it got canceled.                        may postpone the event.
           Am I driving the car until midnight?  Are you / we / they visiting us this weekend?  Is he / she / it organising a surprise party this year?

           Time expressions used with the future simple are:
           Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week / month / year / semester / winter, tonight, soon, in a week / month / year, in the future, etc.

          a) Underline the correct verb form.
           1.  We hope we will have / are going to have a great holiday this summer.
           2.  I think Arnold is going to win / will win the game.

           3.  This is my last year at school. I will join / am going to join the graduation party of my school at the end of June.
           4.  We bought the tickets. We are travelling / will travel to Rome next Friday.
           5.  The girls will probably make / are probably going to make the birthday cake for him.
           6.  Everything is ready. We will fly / are flying to Madrid in three hours.
           7.  Rebecca will have / is having a baby next month.

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