P. 194



                                                 TYPE 0 CONDITIONAL
           Talking about General Truths
           We use zero conditional (type 0) when the result of a condition is always the same, such as scientific facts.
           We can also use when for the same purpose.
             If / When you put water in the freezer, it becomes ice.
             If / When you exercise regularly, your muscles get stronger.
                                                 TYPE 1 CONDITIONAL

           Talking about Possible Conditions
           We use first conditional (type 1) to talk about real or probable situations in the present or future.
             If I take the 7 o’clock train, I might arrive on time for the interview.
             If you work harder, you will achieve your goals.
           Unless = if not
             If you don’t save enough money, you won’t buy that video game console.
             Unless you save enough money, you won’t buy that video game console.

                                                     SO & NEITHER
           To express that a statement is the same for us (or somebody), we use ‘so’ or ‘neither’.
           We use ‘so’ in positive sentences.
             Tina: I love hiking in the mountains.
             Bill: So do I! (I love hiking in the mountains, too.) The fresh air and breathtaking views are absolutely amazing.

           We use ‘neither’ in negative sentences.
             Jill: I can’t stand spicy food.
             Hannah:  Neither can I. (I can’t stand spicy food, either.) It’s just too much for my taste buds to handle.

                                                    ASKING FOR ADVICE

           What do you suggest?
           What should I do?
           What’s your advice?
           If you were me, what would you do?

                                                      GIVING ADVICE
           I think you should / ought to / had better...
           How about...?
           Why don’t you...?
           You could try...
           If I were you, I would...
           You should perhaps...

              Jenny:   I’m really overwhelmed with all the household chores. It feels like there’s always something that needs to be done.
                    What should I do?
             Matilda: I understand how you feel. You can try making a list of the most important chores and tackling them first.

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