P. 195



          a)  Match the situations in Column A with the given advice in Column B.

                              Column A                                               Column B

                My roommate never cleans up after cooking and she      You could try to break your study material into smaller
             1                                                     a
                always leaves a messy kitchen. What should I do?       pieces and create a study plan.

                My husband often forgets to take out the garbage and it   Why don’t you set up designated areas for toys and
             2                                                     b
                starts to smell. What do you suggest?                  encourage her to clean up by making it a fun game.
                                                                       I think you should have an open conversation with her
                I’m really stressed about my upcoming exams. I don’t
             3                                                     c   and establish a cleaning schedule that works for both
                know how to handle the pressure. What’s your advice?
                                                                       of you.
                My little girl leaves her toys all over the house. It is very   How about hanging a sign around the dishwasher
             4  hard to walk without falling over something. Do you have   d  reminding them of their duty and giving them a reward
                any advice?                                            if they do it?
                My children never clean up their dishes after eating.   If I were you, I would create a reminder system, such as
             5  They are always leaving them in the sink. What would   e  setting an alarm on your phone, to remind him to throw it
                you do if you were me?                                 away on a regular basis.

          b) Match the clauses to form meaningful sentences.

             1  When you apply heat to an ice cube,                a   they will never finish the project on time.

             2  Unless they work together,                         b   he will have health problems in the future.

             3  If we don’t book the tickets in advance,           c   you should stay home and have some rest.

             4  If you mix baking soda and vinegar,                d   they stay hydrated and healthy.

             5  If you catch a cold,                               e   it melts and turns into liquid water.

             6  When you water the plants regularly,                f  you develop a greater understanding of the world.

                                                                       they will react and create a bubbling and foaming
             7  Unless he stops consuming too much sugar,          g
             8  If you explore different cultures,                 h   we might not get a seat.

          c)  Read the dialogues and fill in the blanks appropriately using so or neither.
            1.    Alex: I enjoy cooking and trying out new recipes.
                  Clarice:  _____________. It’s exciting to experiment with different flavours and create delicious meals.
            2.    Frank: I watched a fascinating documentary last night.
                  Berry:  ______________. It was about the wonders of the deep sea and the diverse marine life found there.
            3.    Paul: I can’t resist a good cup of coffee in the morning.
                  Mila:  ______________. It’s the perfect way to kick-start the day and feel energised.
            4.    Gilbert: I won’t be able to attend the party next week.
                  Paula: ______________. I have a family gathering the same evening.
            5.    William: I’m going to visit Paris next summer.
                  Eva: _____________. I’ve always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower and explore the city’s rich history and culture.

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