P. 193



           a) Listen to the phone-in radio program in which callers ask for advice from Dr Joe. Match the columns.

                                  A                                          B
                1.  Emma’s had ____                       a.  mosquito bites.
                2.  She should avoid ____                 b.  using colognes and perfumes.
                3.  She shouldn’t eat ____                c.  from salty food.
                4.  David’s been suffering from ____      d.  an allergy for years.
                5.  He should stay away ____              e.  eating sugary food.
                6.  He’d better have time ____            f.   sudden changes in temperatures.
                7.  Tom has trouble with ____             g.  high blood pressure.
                8.  He’d better stop ____                 h.  to relax.
                9.  He shouldn’t prefer____               i.   spicy food.

          b) Listen again and write the names of the callers next to the questions.
            1. Who should avoid tension?    ______________
            2. Who should keep away from scratching?  ______________
            3. Who should take a warm bath?   ______________
          Read the situations below and give advice to each.

                           I bought a flight ticket to France           I have an important event I must
                           for my next vacation, but I don’t            attend tomorrow, but there is an
                           know how to speak French.                    exam. What do you suggest that
                                What should I do?                               I should do?

                                                  I want to be a successful person.
                                                        What should I do?

                                               If we have a lot of things to do in
              I need to decide whether to study
                                               a day, how can we manage our
                    maths or physics.
                                                 time? What do you advise?
                  What do you suggest?

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