P. 188


          Multiple Choice

          1.   Which of the following is true according to the   4.   Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
                                                                    Aiden  :  Hey, have you been working out lately?
               Canoeing is a popular outdoor activity that involves paddling       Linda  :  Yeah, I’ve been hitting the gym every day.
            a canoe through waterways. You can do this sport in calm       Aiden  :  That’s great! How do you feel?
            lakes, flowing rivers, or even in the open sea. It requires       Linda  :  ……
            teamwork, balance, and coordination between the paddlers.       Aiden  :  I know what you mean. I recently started playing
            It is a great way to stay fit and enjoy the outdoors at the same                football again, and I’ve seen a huge improvement in
            time. Canoeing can be a fun and rewarding experience for                my endurance.
            anyone who loves the outdoors.
                                                                  A)  I’m just trying to stay consistent with my workout
            A)  Canoeing is not a fun and rewarding experience if you   routine, and I hope to see progress soon.
               also love indoors.                                 B)  My clothes are fitting better; I still have a long way to
            B)  One can do canoeing in flowing rivers and the open   go to reach my fitness goals, though.
               sea.                                               C)  To be honest, I haven’t felt much of a difference yet,
            C)  Teamwork and coordination have always been           but I know it takes time to see results.
               unnecessary for canoeing.                          D)  Amazing! I have not only lost weight, but
            D)  You can only do canoeing in calm lakes and           I have so much more energy throughout the
               fast-moving rivers.                                   day.
            E)  Canoeing has recently lost its popularity as an   E)  I’m starting to see some results already; it’s
               outdoor activity.                                     been a really positive experience so far.

          2.   Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.  5.   Which of the following is the correct order of the
               Zac  :  Hey, have you ever tried skydiving?        sentences in the dialogue?
               Lee  :  ……                                          I.     For almost three years now.
               Zac  :  It’s not as scary as you think. Once you’re up there,      II.    It really shows. You’ve improved a lot.
                      the view is amazing.
                                                                   III.   Yes, I’ve been taking lessons twice a week.
               Lee :  I don’t know; it still sounds too dangerous for me.     IV.   How long have you been playing tennis?
               Zac  :  There are really strict safety measures in place, and       V.    That’s a long time. Have you been taking any lessons?
                      you  have  an  instructor  with  you  who  guides  you
                      every step of the way.                      A)  I – II – IV – V – III
                                                                  B)  V – IV – I – II – III
            A)  No way! I could never jump out of a plane.
                                                                  C)  IV – I – V – III – II
            B)  No, I haven’t, yet it looks thrilling. What about you?  D)  II – I – V – III – IV
            C)  Not yet, but it’s definitely on my bucket list.   E)  I – V – II – IV – III
            D)  Well, I’ve always been interested in trying it
            E)  Yes,  it’s  one  of  the  most  exhilarating
               experiences I’ve ever had.

          3.   Which of the following is the correct order of the   6.   Choose the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.
            sentences in the dialogue?                              (I) In recent years, zorbing has become a popular outdoor
                                                                  adventure sport. (II) It includes rolling downhill inside a large,
             I.     Oh, really? Have you ever fallen off the skateboard?  clear plastic ball.  (III) These spheres, also named Zorbs,
             II.    Well, I’ve always admired the skill and freedom of    come in different sizes and can hold one or two people at a
                skateboarders.                                    time. (IV) You can go zorbing on grassy hills or snowy slopes,
             III.   Have you been trying any extreme sports lately?  but you should always follow the rules and directions. (V)
             IV.   What made you want to give it a try?           They are full of air with a safety strap inside, and they can hit
             V.    Yeah, a few times, but it’s part of the learning process.  high speeds and give thrill-seekers an exciting experience.
             VI.   Yes, I’ve been practising skateboarding for the past
                month.                                            A) I        B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V
            A)  III – V – IV – II – VI – II
            B)  VI – I – II – IV – V – III
            C)  IV – VI – II – I – III – V
            D)  II – I – VI – IV – V – III
            E)  III – VI – I – V – IV – II

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