P. 185



          b)  Read the text and tick true (T), false (F), or not mentioned (NM).

                                                                                              T     F   NM

              1  The most famous extreme sports are surfing, snowboarding, and rock climbing.

              2  Surfing requires balance, strength, and timing to ride waves with a surfboard.

              3  Surfing is a water sport, and it is quite similar to snowboarding.

              4  Rock climbing is a water sport, and it does not require any equipment.

              5  All three extreme sports require proper training and safety equipment.

              6  Extreme sports can have a number of physical and mental health benefits.

              7  The thrill of taking risks is more enjoyable than the rush of adrenaline.

          c)  Answer the following questions according to the text.

            1.  What makes extreme sports special?
            2.  What equipment does one need to surf?

            3.  Where can one go snowboarding?
            4.  Which skills does one need to have to take part in rock climbing?

          Write a short paragraph about an extreme sport by following the guideline below.

            Choose an extreme sport that you know or have heard of and do some research.
            Start your paragraph with an introductory sentence that briefly describes the sport you have chosen.
            Use structures that express purpose to explain why people participate in this sport.
            Give additional details about the sport and its purpose to make your paragraph more interesting and informative.
            End your paragraph with a concluding sentence to summarise the main idea.

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