P. 181



          a)  Read the definitions and write the names of sports.
           1.  ____________ is a team sport with two teams of six players trying to score
             points by grounding a ball on the other team’s court.
           2.  ____________ is a team sport in which two teams (five players in each)
             compete to shoot a ball through the defender’s hoop.
           3.  ____________ is a team sport (of nine players in each) opposing one another
             taking turns batting and fielding.
           4.  ____________ is a team sport involving eleven players for each team opposing
             each other kicking a ball to score a goal.
           5.  ____________ is a sport usually played with one player per side using racquets
             to hit a shuttlecock across the net.

          b) Listen to the interview and choose the correct options.

            1.  What sport are they talking about?
              a. Baseball
              b. Basketball
              c. Volleyball
            2.  When was the last time he played it?
              a. At the age of ten
              b. When he was in high school
              c. During the university years
            3.  What two positions are mentioned in the interview?
              a. Third base and outfield
              b. Quarterback and running back
              c. Guard and forward
            4.  Why does the man only watch the matches on TV?
              a. He is not into sports any more.
              b. He does not have any time nowadays.
              c. There are not many opportunities around.


            Work in pairs and do an interview about a sport.
            Use the role cards and the words or phrases given below.
            Then swap roles.
                    Well, …    So, …    Anyway, …    You know, …    Um, …    I mean, …    Let me think / see

                               Student A                                         Student B

             You are the interviewer.                          You are the sports manager.
             Ask the sports manager at least five questions about the   Answer  the  interviewer’s  questions  and  give  detailed
             sport you have chosen.                            information about the sport.

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