P. 186


           Culture Corner

          Read the text below and search the Net to find another interesting sport that originated in a different country.
          Then share it with your classmates.

           Bossaball is an exciting sport, and it combines football, volleyball, gymnastics,
           and Samba music. The court, made from inflatables and trampolines, enables
           players to jump high while making impressive moves. Though it has not yet gained

           global recognition, one can play bossaball in many locations across Spain and
           Europe. This sport offers a new range of techniques, team tactics, and strategies
           as a result of the change in gravity due to the inflatable surface. The game also
           brings out the inner child in players, which results in big smiles and unforgettable


           Oină, derived from the Cuman word ‘oyn’, meaning game, is a sport that

           Romanians have been playing since at least 1370. It involves two teams of 11
           players playing on a rectangular field. The game has a set of complicated rules,
           but essentially, one team pitches the ball to their teammate who is at-bat. The

           batter aims to hit the ball away from the opposing team’s fielders. If the batter
           manages to hit the ball, they can run along the lanes until a player from the other
           team throws the ball and hits the batter, and that causes them to be out.

          Read the tongue twisters and practise saying them as fast as possible.

               We’ve never seen a happy hippo happily hopping and helping herds of
               hermit crabs.

               Why’re we with Wendy’s wriggling writhing wrinkle worms?        ’re

               How’s the plane piloted by the playful panda plainly parked on the
               packed platform?

               I’m amazed at how ants are able to avoid accidents as they go along
               the asphalt.

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