P. 182



                                 FOR                                                SINCE

                                                              We use 'since' when we talk about the starting point of
           We use ‘for’ when we talk about the duration of the action.
                                                              the action.
             I have been here for six months.
                                                                 I have been here since last year.
          Present Perfect Continuous

                                USAGE                                             EXAMPLE

                                                                  How long have you been living in this city?
           Describing and asking about the duration of an action    
                                                                  I have been living here for three months.

           Talking about an activity that is still in progress       Patricia has been cooking dinner since 5 o’clock.

           Describing a habit or regular activity that has been going on for        They have been playing tennis every Saturday for the
           some time                                              past year.

                                                                  The weather  has been getting colder these past few
           Describing a recent change in a situation            

           Affirmative Sentences

           I / We / You / They have been playing tennis.       He / She / It has been playing tennis.

           Negative Sentences

           I / We / You / They haven’t been playing tennis.    He / She / It hasn’t been playing tennis.

           Interrogative Sentences

           Have I / we / you / they been playing tennis?       Has he / she / it been playing tennis?

                          PRESENT PERFECT                             PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS

           It is used to emphasise ‘how much / many’.         It is used to emphasise ‘how long’.
             He has written six letters this morning.            He has been writing this letter for hours.
           ◽                                                  ◽
           It describes a completed action.                   It describes an activity which may continue.
             We have read Orwell’s 1984.                         We have been reading Orwell’s 1984.
           ◽                                                  ◽

           Expressing Purpose

             Our students are studying hard to / in order to / so as to pass their exams.
             Our students are studying hard not to / in order not to / so as not to fail their exams.
             Our students are studying hard so that / in order that they can pass their exams.
             Our students are studying hard so that / in order that they will not fail their exams.

             Our students are using educational software for distance learning.

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