P. 177


          Multiple Choice

          7.  Find the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.   10. Choose the correct option to complete the statement
                                                                  according to the paragraph.
            (I) Voluntourism is a popular kind of international travel.
            (II) It helps you contribute to the development of a country   Barcelona, the capital and the largest city of Catalonia, has
            while exploring around at the same time.  (III) If you are   become one of the most popular tourist destinations with its
            sensitive to the environment and the well-being of local   rich history, charming architecture, sandy beaches, best
            people, ecotourism is just for you. (IV) When you participate   restaurants, and F.C. Barcelona Sports Club. It is a huge city
            in a well-organized volunteering project, you help people   with a population of over one and a half million people. The city
            implement a long-term development of a country or culture.   is on the north eastern Mediterranean coast of Spain. There
            (V) You should use your skills, time and energy to make a   are two official languages; Catalan and Spanish. The currency
            difference that may last long after you have come back home.  is Euro. Maybe you haven’t stepped your toe into its warm
                                                                  water, or haven’t seen the beauty of Gaudi’s, La Sagrada
            A) I       B) II    C) III   D) IV   E) V             Familia,  or  felt excited  in the  legendary football  stadium,
                                                                  Nou Camp, yet. Don’t lose time! Come and hit the town.
                                                                  We cannot get information about the city’s .... .

                                                                  A) language         B) location
                                                                  C) transportation   D) population
                                                                             E) currency

          8.   Which of the following can be said according to the given   11. Which of the following questions does  not have the
            situation?                                            answer in the dialogue?
            You have planned a vacation with your wife and called   Travel Agency  :  ......
            the travel agency to make a reservation at your favourite   Customer        :  I’d like to book a flight to Paris.
            hotel. You say:                                       Travel Agency  :  ......
                                                                  Customer        :  No, just one way, please.
            A) Could you please book a room for two in the Royal   Travel Agency  :  ......
              Hotel?                                              Customer        :  On December 15 .
                                                                  Travel Agency  :  All right. We have flights at 14.00 and 19.00.
            B) Can I make a reservation at a five-star hotel for                           ......
              you?                                                Customer        :  There are only two flights, aren’t there?
            C) Could you call me to make a reservation, please?   Travel Agency  :  That’s right, sir.
            D) Can you help me to find a suitable hotel for       Customer        :  19.00 is convenient for me.
              three months later?                                 A) When would you like to fly?
            E) May I have your address to book a double           B) Do you want me to add extra baggage?
              room?                                               C) How can I help you?

                                                                  D) Would you like to buy a return ticket, too?
                                                                  E) Which one would you prefer?

          9.   Which of the following is the correct order of the sentences   12. Which of the following can be said according to the given
            in the dialogue?                                      situation below?
            I.   It depends. He sometimes reads science fiction, but he   Some foreign businesspeople are coming together for their
              usually prefers adventure books.                    annual meeting. Matthew, the director of the company,
            II.  That’s great. What kind of books does he like reading?  wants to organise a business meeting for the group at a
            III.  He has already registered one. He’s going to start soon.  restaurant. He calls the restaurant to book a table for ten
                                                                  and asks: .....
            IV. Wow! Good choice. Maybe, he’d like to join our Book Club.
            V.  My son is a real bookworm.                        A) What does your chef recommend?

            A) III - IV - II - I -V                               B) Do you serve dessert with meals?
            B) II - IV - I - V - III                              C) What kind of music do you play during meals?
            C) I - III - VI - II - IV                             D) Do the waiters speak a foreign language?
            D) IV - I - III - V - II                              E) Do you have a big table for a crowded group?
            E) V  - II - I - IV - III

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