P. 176


          Multiple Choice

          1.   Which of the following is closest in meaning to the sentence   4.   Which of the following can be said according to the given
            given below?                                          situation?

            The last time I saw you was two years ago.            You went shopping with your flatmate. He put everything
                                                                  into the shopping bags. When you came back home, you
            A) I haven’t seen you for two years.                  realised that the flour wasn’t in the bags. You are sure that
            B) I had never seen you before that time.             you paid for it, so you ask your friend: ......
            C) I have been alone for two years.                   A) I paid for the flour, didn’t I?
            D) I wasn’t with you two years ago.                   B) I think you didn’t put the flour into the bag, did you?
            E) I didn’t see you two years ago.                    C) You’re sure what you bought, aren’t you?
                                                                  D) The cashier warned you, didn’t she?
                                                                  E) Let’s buy some flour, shall we?

          2.   Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.  5.   Choose the correct option to complete the statement
                                                                  according to the passage.
            ......, but she hasn’t found a job yet.
                                                                  I am in Cracow now with my parents for two days. The city
            A) Carmen didn’t want to work                         has both modern and historical features together. There
            B) Carmen hasn’t applied for any jobs                 are lots of activities to do here. We have made a plan
                                                                  to see as many things as we can in a short time. We’ve
            C) Carmen graduated from the university
                                                                  already taken a tour of the old town and seen Wawel
            D) Carmen got a pay rise                              Castle. We’ve just finished the tour to the Schindler’s
            E) Carmen worked at a big company                     Factory. Now, we’re planning to see the modern part of
                                                                  Cracow. First, we are going to take a walk in the big parks
                                                                  to feel the autumn and  take photos. Then, we’re going
                                                                  to do some shopping and buy souvenirs as a
                                                                  reminder of our travel.
                                                                  The family is not planning to .... .
                                                                  A) see the best historical sights
                                                                  B) walk through the parks
                                                                  C) buy some presents
                                                                  D) take some pictures
                                                                  E) go shopping

          3.   Which of the following is closest in meaning to the  sentence?   6.   Which of the following is the correct order of the sentences?

            “Travel broadens your mind.”                          I.   Go through the passport control.
                                                                  II.  Board the plane.
            A) The more you go to different places, the less you   III. Arrive at the airport.
              refresh your mind.
                                                                  IV. Wait for your plane in the departure lounge.
            B) If you travel a lot to a variety of places, you forget   V. Check in your luggage and get a boarding pass.
              about everything.
            C) Travelling is a very good chance for people to have   A) II - III - IV - V - I
              a lot of pleasure.                                  B) III - V - I - IV - II
            D) Travelling gives you an opportunity to find        C) V - I - III - IV - II
              out about new experiences.                          D) V - IV - III - I - II
            E) When you travel all around the world, you          E) III - IV - V - II - I
              always go to different places.

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