P. 171



          a) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Present Perfect and the verbs in parentheses.
            1.  I love that book. __________________ (I / read) it twice.
            2.  __________________ (you / ever / meet) a celebrity?
            3.  __________________ (she / have) many different jobs and ________________ (she / live) in many cities.
            4.  Tina is a good friend of mine. _________________ (I / know) her for a very long time.

            5.  “_________________ (you / ever / be) to Indonesia?” “No, ________________ (we / never / be) there.”
            6.  “__________________ (you / finish) your final report?” “No, _______________ (I / not / finish) it yet.”
            7.  ___________________ (she / travel) by bus and train. Someday, she wants to take a trip by plane.
            8.  “How long _________________ (you / work) in this company?” “About ten years.”

          b) Fill in the blanks with either been or gone to complete each sentence correctly.
            1.  Have you ever __________ to Europe?
            2.  Emily isn’t here at the moment. She has __________ to the store to buy groceries.
            3.  Has Jack ________ to the gym this week?

            4.  They have __________ on vacation for two weeks.
            5.  We have ________ to that new restaurant downtown, and the food was amazing.
            6.  Ethan has __________ to the gym to work out. He can’t come to the phone now.
            7.  Liam has __________ out. He’ll be back in about one hour.
            8.  “Are you going to the market?” “No, I’ve already __________ to the market.”

          Question Tags


           ‘Question tags’ are short questions (e.g. aren’t they?, hasn’t she?) that we add at the end of a statement. We use ‘question tags’
           to ask for confirmation. They mean something like: “Is that right?” or “Do you agree?

           A positive statement has a negative tag:
           Positive             Negative     Note:   “Let’s” has the tag “shall we?”
           I’m always on time,     aren’t I?
                                                    e.g. Let’s attend Gina’s birthday party, shall we?
           She’s a journalist,      isn’t she?
                                                    Imperative sentences have the tag “will / can / could you?”
           He eats cheese,      doesn’t he?
           They were on holiday,    weren’t they?   e.g. Close the door, could you?   e.g. Don’t tell anybody, will you?
           You had so much fun,   didn’t you?
           He has got a car,      hasn’t he?
           It will be dark soon,     won’t it?  c) Write the correct question tags.
           They can swim,       can’t they?
                                             1. A: I’d like to book a flight to Barcelona for the 20  of this month.
           A negative statement has a positive tag:     B: Sorry, you asked for the 20 , ____________________?
           Negative             Positive
                                             2. The train leaves at platform 3, ________________?
           It isn’t very late,      is it?
           You aren’t going to bed,   are you?  3. Let’s go camping together for the weekend, but you don’t have a car, ___________?
           You don’t live in Ankara,   do you?  4. You have bought a return ticket, ______________?
           It wasn’t raining heavily,   was it?
           You didn’t call,     did you?     5. We are having a great holiday, _______________?
           You haven’t visited Rize,   have you?  6. Let’s eat something out, _______________?
           She won’t be lonely,    will she?
           He can’t speak Spanish,   can he?  7. You can’t speak French fluently, __________________?
                                             8. Can you look at this maths problem? There is a mistake, _______________?

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