P. 166


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers
          Vocabulary      b)  1. weaving       2. sculpture       3. warrior      4. amphitheatre       5. museum       6. temple
                             7. farming        8. cave             9. castle        Extras: mining, fresco, trading
                          a)  1. b  2. a
                          b)  1. b  2. a   3. b   4. b    5. a
                             _3_ Did you use to live on a farm?
                             _8_ We used to gather in the evenings and lit a campfire. We used to chat, sing songs, and tell stories.
          Listening          _5_ How was your life then?
                             _1_ Where did you use to live when you were young?
                             _7_ Really? How did you use to enjoy yourselves?
                             _2_ I used to live in a village.
                             _4_ Not actually. It was a nice wooden village house.
                             _6_ It was hard. Everything used to be quite different. We didn’t use to have any technological devices
                                    because we didn’t use to have electricity. But we were happy.
                          a)  1. used to      2. didn’t use to      3. used to       4. Did - use to      5. used to     6. Did - use to
                          b)  1. I used to eat fast food every day, but now I don’t.
                             2. Sarah used to have a pet rabbit when she was a child, but she doesn’t any more.
                             3. They used to take long vacations during the summer, but they don’t any more.
                             4. Did you use to have a part-time job in high school?
                             5. Marge used to have a fear of flying, but she doesn’t any more.
                             6. My grandparents used to have a farm, but they sold it a few years ago.
          Structure       c)  Students’ own answers

                          d)  1. must        2. may / might      3. may / might          4. must         5. can’t
                          e)  1. She may / might be late for the meeting.  4. They may / might cancel the event.
                             2. He can’t be certain about the decision.  5. I can’t finish the project on time.
                             3. Emily must live near here.
                          f)  1. a  2. a   3. b   4. b    5. a

                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)  1. T  2. T   3. NM  4. F    5. T
                          c)  1. It is about the early settlements in Anatolia.
                             2. They made them by carving stones.
          Reading            3. A library, ancient roads, a theatre, and hillside houses.
                             4. It used to be the most important trade and port city of its period, and also, it used to be the centre of
                                 sea transportation.
                             5. Rock tombs, an ancient theatre, and the Church of Saint Nicholas in Demre, Antalya.
                             6. Students’ own answers
                             Writing    Students’ own answers

                                                                                             Multiple Choice

                                                                                                  1)  A

                                                                                                  2)  D
                                                                                                  3)  C
                                                                                                  4)  B
                                                                                                  5)  C
          Fun Page
                                                                                                  6)  D
          Crossword Puzzle
                                                                                                  7)  A
                                                                                                  8)  B

                                                                                                  9)  E
                                                                                                  10)  D
                                                                                                  11)  C
                                                                                                  12)  C

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