P. 165


          Multiple Choice

          7.  Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.   10. Choose the correct option to fill in the blank.

            Jane : I used to have a doll.                         My father ...... sports regularly in the past, but now he is too
            Bill    : Where did you use to keep it?
                                                                  A) didn’t use to do
            Jane : Well, ...... .
                                                                  B) didn’t use to be
            A) on my bed
                                                                  C) used to give
            B) at the cinema
                                                                  D) used to do
            C) in the television
                                                                  E) used to wear
            D) in the park
            E) on the phone

          8.  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.   11. Choose the correct verbs to fill in the blanks.
                                                                  I.    We used to ..... to the sound of roosters at dawn.
            50 years ago there was no electricity in our houses. We used
                                                                  II.   We used to ..... our own bread.
            to ...... .
                                                                  III.  Children and teenagers used to ..... with each other and
            A) watch TV in the evening                                 animals in wide  open spaces.
                                                                  IV.  Adults used to ..... most of their time helping each other
            B) light candles at night
                                                                       with the work on the farm.
            C) get water from the wells                           V.  People didn’t use to ..... much on getting into a university
                                                                       for further education.
            D) have personal computers
                                                                  A) spend / play / wake up / focus / make
            E) live in a village                                  B) focus / spend / play / make / wake up
                                                                  C) wake up / make / play / spend / focus
                                                                  D) make / focus / spend / play / wake up
                                                                  E) play / wake up / focus / spend / make

                                                                12. Which of the following is not stated in the dialogue?
                                                                   Diana:  Our  presentation  is  about  the  pros  and  cons  of
                                                                   traditional roles in the family. I’ll talk about the pros, and
                                                                   Jason will talk about the cons. So, on the positive side, the
                                                                   roles are very clearly defined; both the man and woman know
                                                                   who does what. So, there is less confusion. The woman has
                                                                   time to manage things about the household chores while the
                                                                   man earns money to support the family.  Over to you, Jason.
                                                                   Jason: Thank you, Diana. So, on the negative side, if the
                                                                   man is always the one who works, there can be little contact
                                                                   between the father and the children. Also, in some couples,
                                                                   the woman is good at tasks traditionally done by men, or vice-
                                                                   versa. I mean a woman might be better at fixing a car whereas
          9.   Find the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.
                                                                   a man might be better at cooking. Finally, and probably most
                                                                   importantly, women want to work and make a career, both for
            (I) Although Laura didn’t lead a prosperous life during her   satisfaction and independence, and also to be role models
            childhood, she was still happy as a child.  (II) She used to   for their children.
            have a few hobbies that made her life fun. (III) For example,   A) In some cases, couples can change their roles.
            she used to take their animals to grasslands, and she used to   B) To avoid confusion, it is good to define the roles.
            read comics while they were grazing. (IV) She used to love
                                                                  C) Spouses should share household chores equally.
            spending time outside so much that she didn’t want to come
                                                                  D) In traditional families, all members depend on the father
            back home in the evening. (V) However, she was
                                                                      for financial support.
            not a successful student at school as she didn’t
                                                                  E) The teens are talking about the advantages
            use to study regularly.
                                                                      and disadvantages of traditional roles in a
            A) I         B) II         C) III         D) IV         E) V      family.
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