P. 169



          a) Listen to the dialogue between a receptionist and a client making a reservation and fill in the form.

          b) Listen to the dialogue again and circle the correct option.
             1. The client asks for a room with a double bed / twin beds.
             2. The client prefers a room with a balcony / sea view.

             3. The client asks / doesn’t ask for a discount.
             4. Breakfast is / isn’t included in the price.
             5. The hotel allows / doesn’t allow pets.

          c) When do you say the statements below? Match the columns.
             __ 1. Do you have any vacancies?                               a. Changing reservations
             __ 2. Would it be possible to alter my booking from June to July?                                b. Asking about facilities
             __ 3. Could you repeat that, please?                           c. Making reservations
             __ 4. You will be arriving on Friday morning, won’t you?       d. Asking for clarification

             __ 5. Does the room have Internet access?                      e. Confirming information

          Work with your partner and talk about your favourite city in Türkiye as in the example below.

           Sena   : Which cities have you visited in Türkiye so far?

           Nathan  : I’ve visited Ankara, İstanbul, and Konya.
           Sena   : Which one did you like most and why?

           Nathan  : İstanbul, of course, because it is a legendary city. It has
                    got a lot of landmarks, and the Bosphorus has breathtaking
                    views. I completely agree with Napoleon; “If the Earth were a
                    single state, İstanbul would be its capital.”

                                                                                  English for Preparatory Class   167
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