P. 173



          d) Read the text and tick true (T), false (F), or not mentioned (NM).
                                                                                                    T    F  NM
          1 Visiting France was one of Lauraine’s dreams.
          2 Lauraine stayed with her friends at a hostel during her visit to Paris.
          3 Lauraine loved her school environment and her teachers’ attitudes.
          4 Paris is one of the most student-friendly cities in France.

          5 Paris is a very dull and lifeless city, and there are very few things to do there.
          6 Lauraine thinks travelling abroad is a great experience for young people.

            Imagine that you are an exchange student.
            Write a travel blog post to share your experiences by following the guideline below.
           1.  Introduction
              Begin your post by introducing yourself as an exchange student. Tell your readers where you have been studying and for how
              long. You can also share a bit about your motivation for studying abroad.
           2.  Body
              Share some of the highlights of your trip, such as the places you have visited, the people you have met, and the things you
              have learnt.
           3.  Conclusion
              End your post by reflecting on your experiences and what you have gained from your trip. You can also offer advice to other
              students who are considering studying abroad.

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