P. 162


           Culture Corner

          Read the text below and search the Net to find another interesting fact about a different ancient civilisation. Then share it
          with your classmates as a presentation and exchange ideas.

           Apart from being rulers,  many Chinese emperors were  also poets and
           calligraphers. Some of them were famous for writing beautiful poems, but the
           Qianlong Emperor had a reputation for being the worst poet ever. He wrote over
           43,000 poems during his lifetime, which is a lot, but his writing skills were not very

           good. Scholars think that he copied other people’s work and paid ghostwriters.
           Consider one of his poems about snow as an example of how bad his writing was:
               One piece, another piece, and another piece;
               Two pieces, three pieces, four, five pieces;

               Six pieces, seven pieces, eight, nine pieces;
               All fly into the flowering reeds and disappear.

           In ancient Egypt, pharaohs were slim and fit in their sculptures; however, this
           was not an accurate representation. The Egyptian diet consisted mainly of
           carbohydrates, which  were high  in sugar. Therefore, studies  suggest this diet
           caused weight gain and other health issues among the royals. Archaeologists

           examined mummies and according to this, many Egyptian rulers were overweight
           and used to suffer from conditions like diabetes.


          Read the tongue twisters and practise saying them as fast as possible.

               Ruth’s brother was thrilled to find the toothbrush that he thought he’d
               lost beneath the theatre seats.


               This Thursday, practise saying “The thunder that thunders is not the
               thunder that threatens the weather”.


               Thirty thoughtful thinkers thoughtfully thank the theology teacher for
               teaching them how to pronounce the word ‘thorn’.

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