P. 158



          Used to

                               Usage                                             Example

           We use used to for past habits and situations when we  I used to enjoy watching TV, but now I find most of the programmes
           want to emphasise that things are different now.   boring.
           We use used to when we want to compare the past with  We used to live in a small town when I was young, but now we live
           the present.                                    in a big city.

           We use used to for situations in the past that continued  The building used to be a cultural centre. (=The building isn’t a
           for some time.                                  cultural centre now.)

                              Affirmative                                         Negative

           My father used to buy a newspaper every day.      My brother didn’t use to eat spinach when he was a kid.
           I used to go to school on foot when I was in primary school.  The mall didn’t use to be as crowded as it is now.

           Did Jackie use to listen to classical music?
           Did you use to spend a lot of money on clothes when you were young?

          a) Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of used to.
            1. They ________ live in a small town, but now they reside in a big city.
            2. He ________ drink coffee in the mornings, but now he enjoys it.
            3. We ________ watch that TV show every Sunday, but it got cancelled.
            4. ________ you ________ visit your grandparents regularly when you were younger?
            5. He ________ work as a chef, but now he’s a restaurant manager.
            6. ________ you ________ wear uniforms when you were at high school?

          b) Rewrite the sentences using used to.
            1. I had the habit of eating fast food every day, but now I don’t.
            2. Sarah had a pet rabbit when she was a child, but she doesn’t any more.

            3. They always took long vacations during the summer, but they don’t any more.
            4. Did you have a part-time job in high school?
            5. Marge had a fear of flying, but she doesn’t any more.
            6. My grandparents had a farm, but they sold it a few years ago.
          c)  Write and share your own experiences using used to. Think about habits or situations that were different in the past and
              explain them.

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