P. 154


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers

          Vocabulary      b)  1. witness 2. fingerprint 3. arson  4. robbery 5. blackmail 6. judge 7. evidence 8. detective 9. shoplifting
                             Extras: jury, hijacking, prosecutor
                          a)  1. shoplifting    2. robbery   3. fraud     4. burglary
          Listening       b)  1. T  2. F   3. T   4. F    5. F   6. NM  7. T   8. NM
                             Speaking   Students’ own answers

                          a)  1. Were Jane and Alan 2. Was Joey 3. Was your birthday 4. Were you and your family
                          b)  Mandy woke up (wake up) early feeling excited. It was (be) the big day. She got up (get up), had (have) a shower,
                             and ate (eat) a light breakfast. After breakfast, she put on (put on) her best clothes, and left (leave) the house.
                             While she was getting on (get on) the bus, she saw (see) her friend Talia. On the journey, she told (tell) her friend
                             that it was the first day of her job. As they were travelling (travel) on the bus, the traffic began (begin) to get worse,
                             and after a while, the bus broke down (break down). When Mandy arrived (arrive) at work, she was (be) one hour
                             late. As she was getting into (get into) the elevator, all the lights went out (go out). While she was waiting (wait)
                             for the power to come on again, she planned (plan) the speech about being late in her mind. When the lights
                             finally came on (come on), she went up (go up) to the 14th floor and knocked on (knock on) the door of the boss.
                          c)  1. When the police questioned the thief, he told the police that he was repairing the car.
         Structure           2. While the detective was looking into the crime, he carefully looked at the strange footprints left behind.
                             3. The burglars were looking for jewellery or money when the Thompsons returned home.
                             4. The man accidentally dropped his wallet while he was running away from the police.
                             5. The man broke into the house while the owner was watering the plants in the backyard.
                             6. The shop owner was running after him and shouting for help when the thief looked behind him.
                          d)  1. b   2. d   3. c   4. a
                             The boy fell off the bike while he was cycling on the road. He had pains in his body. Then, the ambulance came
                             and the healthcare workers took him to the hospital. After that, the doctors thoroughly examined him. Finally,
                             they discovered that his arm was broken and proceeded to put his arm in a plaster cast.
                             (Students’ appropriate answers can be accepted.)
                         a)    Students’ own answers
                         b)    1. C           2. F           3. E           4. A           5. B           6. D
                             1. Mr Richards, a wealthy businessman, called Detective Johnson for help.
          Reading            2. The diamond went missing from Mr Richards’ mansion during a grand party.
                             3. Mr Brown, the butler, noticed a suspicious man lurking around the mansion’s grounds.
                             4. Detective Johnson found a broken fence and a small piece of torn fabric caught on it in the garden.
                             5. Mr Thompson stole the diamond to settle a personal debt, driven by jealousy.
                             Writing    Students’ own answers

                                                                                             Multiple Choice

                                                                                                 1)  B
                                                                                                 2)  A

                                                                                                 3)  A

                                                                                                 4)  C
                                                                                                 5)  E
          Fun Page                                                                               6)  C
          Crossword Puzzle
                                                                                                 7)  D
                                                                                                 8)  C

                                                                                                 9)  B
                                                                                                 10)  B

                                                                                                 11)  C
                                                                                                 12)  B

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