P. 150


           Culture Corner

          Read the text below and search the Net to find another interesting crime committed in a different country.
          Then share it with your classmates.

           In 2012, the police caught a man stealing ice in Chile. This
           may seem surprising since ice is a natural and readily
           available resource. He was carrying five metric tonnes of ice
           in his truck in the town of Cochrane. Officials suspected that
           the stolen ice was for elegant restaurants and cafés in Chile’s
           capital, Santiago, in order to make them more appealing to
           wealthy customers. They even believed that a gang was
           involved in the operation...

           In January 2016, a strange incident happened in a town in
           England. Two cats were found with big patches of missing fur,
           which made them look like someone bad at trimming shaved
           them. Fortunately, they were not injured, and this suggested
           that the act of shaving was the main goal. This was not the first
           time such a thing occurred in the area. About a year earlier,
           a different cat was also found with mysteriously shaved fur in
           a similar way. The motives of the responsible serial shavers
           are questionable, but people in the neighbourhood hope the
           police will catch them soon so the residents can understand
           their actions better.                                                    England

          Read the tongue twisters and practise saying them as fast as possible.

               The cat with the hat sat on the mat and said, “Hey!”

               Ella’s excellent English essays earned her an extra A.

               Sam’s dad had a bad day, as he had clams with berry jam.

               Eleven elegant emus enjoyed eating eggs every evening.

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