P. 152


          Multiple Choice

          1.   Which of the following is the correct order of the   4.   Which of the following is the correct order of the
            sentences in the paragraph?                           sentences in the paragraph?

            (I) That is why the first thing she did before leaving the house   (I)  Then, we kept red meat, sugar, and oily food out of our
            was to have a light but energising breakfast. (II) Then, she used   kitchen. (II) Finally, we started jogging in the mornings for about
            to jump into the pool and swim for 40 minutes without a break.   20 minutes, and we already feel much healthier than last month.
            (III)  Jennifer was training for the swimming competition at her   (III) At first, it seemed very difficult to go with, but as we kept
            school. (IV) Finally, she used to bike to school and have a big   watching, we changed our minds. (IV) We started a diet that is
            lunch before her classes started in the afternoon. (V) She used to   high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. (V) When we learned
            go to the swimming pool every day. (VI) When she arrived at the   about the positive effects of healthy food and an active lifestyle
            pool, she used to stretch her muscles before the training session.  on our overall health, we thought we should start immediately.
                                                                  (VI)  Last month,  we  watched an  amazing documentary  about
            A) I – II – III – IV – V – VI
                                                                  healthy eating habits for a healthy lifestyle.
            B) III – I – V – VI – II – IV
            C) V – II – I – III – VI – IV                         A) I – II – III – IV – V – VI
            D) III – II – V – VI – I – IV                         B) III – I – V – VI – II – IV
            E) I – VI – III – V – II – IV                         C) VI – III – V – IV – I – II
                                                                  D) III – V – I – II – VI – IV
                                                                  E) VI – II – V – IV – I – III
          2.   Which of the following is closest in meaning to the
            sentence given below?
            In Europe, most buildings were built within the last 50 years
            before 2003 and were not equipped with air conditioners.
                                                                  Read the paragraph and answer questions 5-6.
            A) Europeans built most buildings in the last fifty years before    It was a cold winter night. Amy was alone at home and waiting
                2003, and the houses did not have air conditioners.  for her parents to come back from a business trip. Suddenly,
            B) Europeans did not have any buildings with air conditioners    someone knocked at the front door. When she opened it, she
                before 2003, but they equipped them with air conditioners in the    saw that a huge man with a thick beard and a moustache was
                last 50 years.                                    standing at the doorway. The little girl got scared by the way
            C) Air conditioners were not in European buildings 50 years ago,    he looked and didn’t know what to do. She was about to close
                but it is possible to see them equipped with  air conditioners    the door, but she felt great relief when she realised that … .
                since 2003.
            D) A small number of European buildings were not equipped with
                air conditioners before 2003, but there were no air conditioners
                fifty years ago.
                                                                5.   Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph.
            E) European buildings were mostly equipped with air
                conditioners fifty years ago though most were built    A) the man wasn’t with her parents
                before 2003.                                      B) it was the first time she had seen the man
                                                                  C) the man was standing there for a long time
                                                                  D) the man wasn’t the person she was expecting
          3.   Which of the following is the correct order of the events?  E) her parents were standing just behind the huge man

            1.  The king lost his one and only daughter, but it left us a sad but
              nice legend and the remains of the castle in Mersin today.
            2.  The king felt so sad and decided to build a castle in the sea to
              keep her from harm. So, his lovely daughter would be safe from
            3.  Somehow, a snake ended up in one of the baskets and the
              prophecy was fulfilled.
            4.  Once upon a time, there was a king who had a beautiful
              daughter. But, one day, a prophet predicted that the daughter   6.   Choose the correct option to complete the statement
              would die of snakebite at the age of sixteen.       according to the paragraph.
            5.  On her sixteenth birthday, the lovely princess was given baskets
              of fresh fruit as a present.                        Amy was afraid of the man at the door because ...
                                                                  A) his voice wasn’t friendly
            A) 4 – 2 – 5 – 3 – 1
                                                                  B) she didn’t see him before
            B) 5 – 1 – 2 – 4 – 3
                                                                  C) he had a frightening appearance
            C) 2 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 3
                                                                  D) her parents told her nothing about the man
            D) 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 3
                                                                  E) this was the first time she had been alone at
            E) 1 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 2

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