P. 149



          Write a detective story by following the guideline below.
            Choose a protagonist and setting for your story, like a small town or a mountain resort.
            Begin with a crime, a mystery, or a suspicious event to engage the reader.
            Use the Past Continuous Tense to describe the situation, for example:

                     It was a dark stormy night, and the police were searching the crime scene for any clues
                    when a strange noise caught their attention.

            Use the Simple Past Tense to describe what happened next. Make sure to use sequential words like ‘then’, ‘after that,’ ‘later’,
            ‘finally’, etc. to connect your sentences and create a sense of chronology.
                     Then, the detective arrived at the scene and began to investigate. Later, he found a note
                    on the floor that seemed to be a clue. Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from upstairs
                    and decided to search there. Finally, he saw the man hiding in the attic.

            Add details to your story to make it more interesting. Describe the scene to create tension and suspense. Use the Past Continuous
            Tense to describe ongoing actions, for example:

                     The wind was howling outside, and the rain was coming down in sheets.

            End your story with a conclusion that ties up all loose ends. Use the Simple Past Tense to describe what happened and how the
            characters solved the mystery.
                     In the end, the detective arrested the criminal and brought him to justice. It turned out
                    that the criminal was the victim’s business partner and he was trying to cover his tracks
                    while he was stealing money from the company.

            Swap your story with your partner’s and check it for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors before you submit it.


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