P. 147



           b) Complete the text. Use past simple or past continuous.

             Mandy ___________ (wake up) early feeling excited. It ___________ (be) the big day. She ___________ (get up),
             ___________ (have) a shower, and ___________ (eat) a light breakfast.  After breakfast, she ___________ (put on) her
             best clothes, and ___________ (leave) the house. While she ___________ (get on) the bus, she ___________ (see) her
             friend Talia. On the journey, she ___________(tell) her friend that was the first day of her job. As they ___________(travel)
             on the bus, the traffic ___________ (begin) to get worse, and after a while, the bus ___________ (break down). When
             Mandy ___________ (arrive) at work, she ___________ (be) one hour late.  As she ___________ (get into) the elevator, all
             the lights ___________ (go out). While she ___________ (wait) for the power to come on again, she ___________ (plan)
             the speech about being late in her mind. When the lights finally ___________ (come on), she ___________ (go up) to the
             14  floor and ___________ (knock on) the door of the boss.
          c) Rewrite the following sentences using the given word in parentheses.
           1.  The police questioned the thief. He told the police that he was repairing the car. (when)
           2.  The detective was looking into the crime. He carefully looked at the strange footprints left behind. (while)
           3.  The burglars were looking for jewellery or money. The Thompsons returned home. (when)
           4.  The man accidentally dropped his wallet. He was running away from the police. (while)
           5.  The man broke into the house. The owner was watering the plants in the backyard. (while)
           6.  The shop owner was running after him and shouting for help. The thief looked behind him. (when)

          d) Put the images in the correct order and write what happened by using sequential words, the Simple Past Tense, and
            Past Continuous Tense.
             a                        b                       c                       d


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