P. 142


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers

          Vocabulary      b)  1. ICT Club 2. Travel and Tourism Club 3. Culture and Literature Club 4. Art Club 5. Chess Club
                             6. Philosophy Club 7. Photography Club 8. Eco Club 9. Tennis Club
                             Extras: Culinary Club, Robotics Club, Music Club

                          a)  1. b  2. e   3. d   4. f    5. a   6. c
                          b)  1. c  2. a   3. c   4. b    5. a
                          c)  1. c  2. a   3. b
                          d)  1. John  2. Lucy                    Speaking   Students’ own answers

                          a)  1. have to   2. mustn’t     3. have to    4. must       5. has to      6. must
                             7. must       8. doesn’t have to  9. don’t have to   10. mustn’t

                          b)  1. reading   2. to help     3. to exercise   4. watching   5. to finish   6. to travel
          Structure          7. to meet    8. working     9. stealing   10. spending

                          c)  1. too       2. too         3. too        4. enough     5. enough      6. too
                             7. enough     8. too         9. too        10. enough

                          a)  1. c  2. a   3. d   Extra: b
                          b)  Adrian loves his school, especially his teachers as they are super supportive and patient.
                             He loves the weather and the food in Barcelona. He thinks both of them are wonderful.
          Reading            He loves his host parents as they are warm, caring, and helpful.
                          c)  1. by bike   2. 8 a.m.      3. 3 p.m.     4. supportive   5. patient    6. delicious
                             7. wonderful  8. warm        9. caring
                             Writing    Students’ own answers

                                                                                              Multiple Choice

                                                                                                  1)  B

                                                                                                  2)  E

                                                                                                  3)  B

                                                                                                  4)  C

                                                                                                  5)  A

          Fun Page                                                                                6)  B
          Crossword Puzzle
                                                                                                  7)  A

                                                                                                  8)  D

                                                                                                  9)  E

                                                                                                  10)  C

                                                                                                  11)  C

                                                                                                  12)  B

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