P. 141


          Multiple Choice

          7.   Which of the following options does  not match with   10.  Answer the following question according to the chart.
            the usages given?

            I.  regular actions or events
            II. likes and dislikes
            III. facts known about nature

            IV. thoughts and feelings about the time of speaking
            A) We are having a party at the weekend.
            B) He plays football once a week.                      Which school subject is ‘a piece of cake’ for all the
            C) The Earth goes around the Sun.
            D) I hate horror movies.                               A) English
            E) I feel very tired.                                  B) Maths
                                                                   C) History

                                                                   D) Science
                                                                   E) Art

          8.   Answer the following question according to the diagram.   11.  Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
                                                                    Kevin  :  Hey, Sara! What a surprise! What are you doing
                                                                    Sara    :  Oh, I really like this place. I sometimes come here
                                                                                to have dinner.
                                                                    Kevin  :  Your home is quite far from here. ...... ?
                                                                    Sara    :  First by bus and then by train.

                                                                   A) What do you do here
            Which statement is not true?                           B) Do you come here on foot
                                                                   C) How do you come here
            A) Students like Tech most.
                                                                   D) When do you come
            B) Painting is not a very popular Club.
                                                                   E) Which transport do you like most
            C) Students don’t prefer Dance Club much.
            D) Painting is the most popular Club.
            E) Trekking is a popular Club.

          9.   Which of the following can be replaced with the word   12.  Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph.
            in bold?
                                                                   Hello, I am Zafer. I am a teacher. I live in Kayseri. This
                                                                   is Cenk. He is my twin. He is a doctor, and he lives in
            There are many useful clubs at schools. You can plan your   Ankara. Although we are twins, ...... . For example, I drink
            destinations to go on a trip with the tourism club. You can   coffee for breakfast, but he hates it. He drinks tea. I go
            enrich your vocabulary and improve your memory skills   to bed early and get up early, but he usually goes to bed
            in the language club. You can also attend the music club.  late, and he gets up late.
                                                                   A) we love our parents
            A) plan
                                                                   B) we have different lifestyles
            B) perform
                                                                   C) we sometimes have breakfast
            C) taste
                                                                   D) we get on well with each other
            D) follow
                                                                   E) we enjoy similar things
            E) develop

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