P. 136



          a) Read about Adrian in an education magazine and complete the blanks with the given sentences below. One is extra.

          a. The school year is divided into 3 terms
          b. It’s a real cultural journey
          c. The teacher often gives us a topic in class
          d. I love eating delicious Spanish tapas

          Hi, I’m Adrian from Budapest, Hungary and I’m an exchange student in Spain. I live with a Spanish host family and study at a local
          high school in Barcelona. I cycle 20 minutes to my school in the mornings, which makes me feel so good. The school starts at 8 a.m.
          and finishes at 3 p.m. I’m very interested in literature classes. (1) _____, and then we have to discuss it in groups. I like this kind of
          group discussions a lot. It’s great to learn Spanish in such a pleasant classroom atmosphere. During breaks, we usually have some
          conversations about our daily routines, recent events, or planning for a weekend trip. The wonderful weather condition in Spain
          makes weekend activities inviting. Afternoons are dedicated to extracurricular activities like sports, school clubs, and homework.
          (2) _____. At the end of each term, students study hard to attend examinations. As a foreign student, it’s sometimes quite hard
          for me to keep up with the teacher in class, but they offer help whenever I don’t understand. I’m so lucky that my teachers are
          super supportive and patient with me. After a busy day, I go home to eat with my host family. My homestay mother is a great cook.
          (3) _____, especially patatas bravas and patatas alioli. My warm and caring host parents are proud of their culture and eager to
          show me the Spanish way of living. I get an interesting inside view of Spanish daily life, traditions, and culture around the tasty
          dinner table. I pick up new words and expressions at home. To have Spanish on my future CV will open many doors, I suppose.

          b) Read about Adrian again and give three reasons why he is so happy to be in Barcelona as an exchange student.

          c) Complete the email with the information in ‘Exercise a’.
                       My School Life
           Hola Armin,

           Todo bien. I mean everything is great here. In the mornings, I go to school (1)_________, which is so enjoyable. My school
           day begins at (2)_________ and ends at (3)_________. My classmates are really friendly and funny, and all my teachers are
           (4)_________ and (5)_________. I love the food here. Spanish tapas are super (6)_________. The weather in Barcelona is
           (7)_________, so I’m looking forward to the weekend. My host parents are (8)_________, (9)_________, and talkative.

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