P. 135



          a) Complete the sentences with have to, don’t / doesn’t have to, must, or mustn’t.

            1.    In this country, you ___________ drive on the left-hand side of the road.
            2.    You ___________ forget to turn off the stove before leaving the house.
            3.    Students ___________ wear a uniform to school.

            4.    I ___________ finish this project by tomorrow, or I’ll be in trouble.
            5.    Jason ___________ bring his own towels to the gym.

            6.    Employees ___________ take a lunch break every day.
            7.    You ___________ be over 18 to vote in national elections.
            8.    My father ___________ pay for parking at weekends; it is free.

            9.    We ___________ wait for the doctor for hours in the waiting room.
            10.  You ___________ talk in the library.

          b) Complete the sentences using the gerund or infinitive forms of the verbs in brackets.

            1.    Emily always enjoys ___________ (read) a good book before going to bed.
            2.    They promised ___________ (help) us with the move to our new house.

            3.    My doctor recommended ___________ (exercise) more regularly.
            4.    Pam suggested ___________ (watch) the latest action movie together.
            5.    I need ___________ (finish) this report by tomorrow morning.

            6.    We’re excited ___________ (travel) to Europe next summer.
            7.    They agreed ___________ (meet) us at the restaurant at 7 p.m.

            8.    I’m tired of ___________ (work) so much overtime lately.
            9.    Ben denied ___________ (steal) the money from the cash register.
            10.  I’m looking forward to ___________ (spend) time with my family this weekend.

          c) Fill in the blanks with too or enough.
            1.    I can’t reach the top shelf; it is ___________ high for me.
            2.    Lois didn’t eat the whole pizza because she was ___________ full.

            3.    The soup is ___________ salty, so I can’t eat it.
            4.    We need to leave now; we don’t have ___________ time to catch the train.

            5.    Peter didn’t get the job because he wasn’t qualified ___________.
            6.    The coffee is ___________ hot; I have to wait for it to cool down.
            7.    Meg didn’t study hard, so she didn’t get ___________ good grades.

            8.    I didn’t bring my coat, but it’s ___________ cold outside.
            9.    Stewie is ___________ tired to go out tonight; he is staying in.

            10.  The maths problem was challenging, but Chris was smart ___________ to solve it on his own.

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