P. 209



          c) Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.
            1.  What is an example of a traditional dish served during Thanksgiving in the United States?
            2.  What type of drink is commonly served during Christmas time?
            3.  What is the significance of ‘tamales’ and ‘pan de muerto’ in Mexican culture?
            4.  Why is it important to include traditional dishes in a digital story about food and drinks?
            5.  Can you name a particular celebration in your own culture that includes a specific kind of food or drink?

          d) Read the following statements about tips for creating a digital story about food and drinks and determine whether they
            are true (T) or false (F).

            1.  ____ To create a digital story, you should first decide on a clear and engaging theme.
            2.  ____ Researching and experimenting with different recipes from around the world is not necessary when creating a digital
            3.  ____ Traditional dishes and drinks are not important to include in a digital story about food and drinks.
            4.  ____ The visuals in a digital story are not important as long as the story is well-written.
            5.  ____ Including shots of the ingredients and cooking process in a digital story can add depth and context to the story.

          Design your own digital story!

                Divide into pairs or small groups.

                Choose a theme for your digital story about food and drinks. This could
               be a recipe, a restaurant review, a cuisine exploration,  or a travelogue
               featuring local dishes.

                Research and brainstorm ideas for your story, keeping in mind the tips
               provided in the reading passage.

                Prepare a short presentation of your digital story, including visuals
               such as high-quality photos or videos of your dishes and drinks.

                Present your digital story to the rest of the class, highlighting the key
               elements of your story and explaining why you chose your theme and

                Engage in a discussion with your classmates about each other’s digital
               stories, asking questions and providing feedback.

                Remember to be creative and have fun with your digital stories!

                                                                                  English for Preparatory Class   207
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