P. 214


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)  a. 6  b. 8   c. 1   d. 2    e. 9   f. 5   g. 4   h. 3   i. 7
                          a)  Students’ own answers
                          b)   (2)The lemons are _chopped_ in a food processor.  (6)The lemonade can be _served_ with mint leaves and ice cubes.
                          c)   (4)Water is _poured_ into the mixture.      (5)The mixture is _drained_ with a wire strainer.
          Listening          (3)Sugar is _added_ to the chopped lemons.   (1)Three lemons are _frozen_ one night before.
                          d)   4  ________          5  ________
                                After that
                                           1  First
                              3  ________           2  ________             Writing    Students’ own answers
                          a)  1. are peeled   2. are diced  3. are cooked   4. is rinsed        5. is cut               6. is stewed
                             7. is fried     8. are added  9. is boiled   10. are added   11. is garnished 12. is served
                          b)  1. Delicious meals are cooked by the young chef.  6. Flowers are being planted in the garden by the gardener.
                             2. The championship has been won by the successful    7. A new smartphone app has been developed by them.
                                 Spanish team.                         8. A best-selling novel was written by my best friend last year.
                             3. A new product will be launched by the company next    9. Packages are delivered to customers by the courier
                                 month.                                    company.
          Structure          4. A new building is being constructed by the workers.  10. Tasks will be assigned to the team members by the
                             5. The broken computer was fixed by John.         manager.
                          c)  1. If you study regularly, you will improve your grades. / You will improve your grades if you study regularly.
                             2. If it snows, the children will build a snowman. / The children will build a snowman if it snows.
                             3. What will happen if we don’t finish our project on time? / If we don’t finish our project on time, what will happen?
                             4. If you don’t see a dentist, your toothache will be unbearable. / Your toothache will be unbearable if you don’t see a dentist.
                             5. If I have all the ingredients, I will cook a delicious meal for my friends. / I will cook a delicious meal for my friends if I have
                                 all the ingredients.
                          a)  Possible Answers
                             1. My favourite type of cuisine is Italian food. I love the combination of rich tomato sauces, fresh herbs, and hearty pasta dishes.
                             2. I have not created a digital story about food or drinks before, but I am interested in learning more about it.
                             3. I participated in a wedding celebration where traditional Turkish food was served. Some dishes included kebab, dolma, and
                                baklava. The food was an important part of the celebration and helped to bring everyone together.
                          b)  1. tamales              2. brewed tea         3. Italian pasta dishes         4. Extra             5. mocktail
                             6. turkey                7. pan de muerto   8. Japanese sushi rolls
                          c)  1. An example of a traditional dish served during Thanksgiving in the United States is turkey.
                             2. Hot chocolate is commonly served during Christmas time.
          Reading            3. Tamales and pan de muerto are significant in Mexican culture as they are traditionally served during the Day of the Dead
                                celebration to honor deceased loved ones.
                             4. Including traditional dishes in a digital story about food and drinks can add context and relevance to the story and can also
                                showcase the cultural significance of certain foods.
                             5. In Turkish culture, there are several celebrations where particular kinds of food and drink are commonly served. One
                                example is during the festival of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan. Traditional Turkish sweets such as baklava,
                                güllaç, and şekerpare are often served during this time, along with other sweets and desserts. Another example is during
                                the New Year celebrations, where a traditional Turkish drink called boza is commonly consumed. Boza is a fermented
                                drink made from wheat, barley, and sugar, and has a slightly tangy taste. It is often served with roasted chickpeas or
                                popcorn and is enjoyed as a symbol of hope and prosperity for the new year.
                          d)  1. T              2. F        3. F         4. F             5. T  Speaking   Students’ own answers
                                                                                              Multiple Choice

                                                                                                    1)  B
                                                                                                    2)  E
                                                                                                    3)  B
                                                                                                    4)  C
                                                                                                    5)  A
          Fun Page                                                                                  6)  B
          Crossword Puzzle                                                                          7)  A
                                                                                                    8)  C
                                                                                                    9)  B
                                                                                                   10)  C
                                                                                                   11)  C
                                                                                                    12)  A

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