P. 217



          a) Listen to Bernie’s podcast and circle the correct option.
            1. Which of the museums below did Bernie take a virtual tour?
                                        a) Ephesus                                     b) Göbeklitepe
                                           Archaeological                                Archaeological
                                           Museum, İzmir                                 Site Museum,

                                        c) Troy Museum,                                d) Zeugma Mosaic
                                           Çanakkale                                     Museum, Gaziantep

            2. In the Ancient City of Zeugma, there are precious mosaics which are almost ________.
              a) 200 years old
              b) 30,000 years old
              c) 2000 years old
              d) 3000 years old
            3. What does the Gypsy Girl look like?
              a. She is an old lady with a stylish scarf and round glasses.
              b. She is a young woman with straight hair and brown eyes.
              c. She is a young woman with a scarf and round earrings.
              d. She is a middle-aged woman with golden bracelets.

          b)   Listen to the podcast again and make one word corrections.
              1. Due to the precautions of the pandemic, all hospitals were closed in Türkiye. __________
              2. Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Culture and Tourism moved most of the museums into a real environment. ____________
              3. On, there are 53 significant museums of Türkiye to visit.____________
              4. The virtual museums have been visited by 12 million people since April 25, 2020. __________
              5. Developed 3D technologies allowed Bernie to see the rich painting collection of Zeugma from his home. ____________
              6. Zeugma’s collection points out the lifestyle, geography, plant and animal species of ancient times. ___________
          c)   Put the statements into correct order to make a meaningful dialog. Then, act it out.

              (  ) Jake: I think it’s one of the most important developments of our era.
              (  ) Ally: What if it’s far away or closed for some reason?
              (1) Ally: What do you think about virtual museum technology?
              (  ) Jake: I still prefer a real museum if the museum is close to where I live.
              (  ) Ally: Nowadays, I prefer taking virtual tours of as many museums as I can.
              (  ) Ally: So, do you prefer visiting a virtual museum to a real museum?
              (  ) Jake: Then the best thing to do is to take a virtual tour. What about you, Ally?

              Imagine that you are an exchange student in England. Prepare a vlog introducing yourself and your culture to your

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