P. 219



          a)   Match the Column A with Column B to make correct sentences.

                              Column A                                               Column B

             1  The girl                                           a   why I don’t mind getting up early in the morning.

             2  Is this the kitten                                 b   who work in this hospital are very helpful.

             3  Summer is the season                               c   which you adopted from the local shelter?

             4  I love my job and that’s the reason                d   whose writer has won the Nobel Prize?

             5  That’s the stadium                                 e   that lives next door is Esra.

             6  Is this the book                                    f  where Real Madrid play.

             7  The doctors                                        g   when I’m happiest.

          b) Fill in the gaps with who, why, where, when, which or whose.

               Dear Aunt Jane,
               How are you? My new address, 1. ............. I was supposed to give you a long time ago, is at the bottom of this e-mail.
               Sorry! The village 2. ............. I live now is very quiet and peaceful. In fact, that is the reason 3. ............. I decided to rent
               a house here. The people 4. ............. live next door are very friendly and helpful. The day 5. ............. I moved in, they
               invited me for coffee. The man 6. ............. house I’ve rented lives in the same street as you. His name is Mr Ruiz. Do you
               know him? I must go now; the doorbell is ringing.

               Write to me soon.                                                                Briarwood Lane
               Love,                                                                            Roseville Village
               Samantha                                                                         Greenshire, GB
                                                                                                B4 3AQ

          c) Fill in the blanks with the given conjunctions. More than one answer is possible.

                   due to      -      thus      -       as a result (of)      -     so    -      owing to  -    since     -      because (of)     -     as

            1.  Sarah couldn’t attend the party ________ she had a prior commitment.
            2.  ________ a power outage, the entire neighbourhood was left in darkness.
            3.  He couldn’t focus on his studies ________ there was too much noise in the library.
            4.  ________ a lack of funding, the project was delayed.

            5.  The traffic was terrible, ________ Tom arrived late to the meeting.
            6.  The team worked together efficiently, and ________, they completed the project ahead of schedule.
            7.  She fell behind in her studies ________ spending too much time on social media.
            8.  ________ the company’s financial struggles, several employees were laid off.
            9.  They missed the flight ________ they failed to arrive at the airport on time.
            10.  The team worked diligently, ________ they achieved their goal.

                                                                                  English for Preparatory Class   217
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