P. 218



           Expressing Cause (since / as / owing to / because (of) / due to)
           Conjunctions used for expressing cause are words that connect two clauses or sentences, showing that one event or action
           causes or results in another.
             She couldn’t attend the party since / because / as she had to work late.
             Because of / Owing to / Due to the heavy rain, we decided to stay indoors.

           Expressing Effect (as a result (of) / so / thus)
           Conjunctions used for expressing effect in a sentence are used to show the result, consequence, or outcome of an action or
             The weather was beautiful, so we decided to go for a picnic in the park.
             He had sprained her ankle and thus couldn’t go for her regular morning run.
             As a result of global warming, both the polar ice caps and mountain glaciers are melting.

                                                   RELATIVE CLAUSE
           We use relative clauses to give essential information about someone or something—information that we need in order to
           understand what or who is being referred to.
               The woman who owns the shop is Greek.
               The laptop which I bought yesterday is very fast.

              We use who / that instead of subject pronouns (I, you, he,    The boy lives next door. He is from Gaziantep.
           ◽                                                  ◽
              etc.) to refer to people.                          The boy who / that lives next door is from Gaziantep.
              We use which / that to refer to objects or animals.   The car won the race. It is red.
           ◽                                                  ◽
                                                                 The car which / that won the race is red.
              When is used to refer time.                        2003 was the year  when Türkiye won Eurovision Song
           ◽                                                  ◽
              Where / In which is used to refer place.           I live in the city where I study.
           ◽                                                  ◽
              Why is used to give reason.                        Melisa had a fight with her best friend, that’s why she is sad.
           ◽                                                  ◽

              We use whose instead of possessive adjectives (my, your,      That’s the woman. Her son is famous.
           ◽                                                  ◽
                her, etc.) with people, objects and animals in order to show     That’s the woman whose son is famous.
                                                              ◽  That’s the bag. Its strip is broken.
                                                                 That’s the bag whose strip is broken.

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