P. 224


          Multiple Choice

          1.  Which of the following options is inappropriate to   4.    Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank.
            complete the e-mail?
                                                                  Social networks give us the opportunity to raise our
            Hello Jimmy,                                          voice through sharing posts, videos, comments, .... we
                                                                  also express our thoughts via this system instead of
            How r......? I can’t make it ......, but I’II be there on Sat,   standing and talking in front of a large group of people.
            OK?...... write me about the weekend plan ...... Fri. I wanna
            get ready. U know, where 2 go, what 2 wear and buy, etc.
                                                                  A) so
            Thx! C U soon.
                                                                  B) but
            Xoxo Ian.
                                                                  C) because
            A) B4                                                 D) therefore
            B) Pls                                                E) and
            C) 4GM
            D) U
            E) 2day

          2.   Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.  5.  Which of the following is the correct order of the
            Although social media has several positive effects
            on people, it has also some negative aspects. For     Steps of applying for an Internet page competition;
            example, you ......
                                                                  I.    Win the prize
            A) can make plans and programs to attend social activities  II.    Sign in to the web page
                                                                  III.   Introduce yourself
            B) can send quick messages to family and friends
                                                                  IV.  Upload your image
            C) can follow the important days of your friends
                                                                  V.   Share the link of the page on social media
            D) may waste your time by chit-chats

            E) can organize the events in your life               A) II - IV - III - V - I
                                                                  B) III - V - II - IV - I

                                                                  C) IV - V - III - II - I
                                                                  D) II - IV - V - III - I
                                                                  E) IV - V - II - III - I

          3.  Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.  6.   Find the meaning of the underlined word in the options.

            Most of the time I prefer ...... out with my friends, but   Good evening, everyone. My name is Chanca. I live in
            sometimes I would rather ...... at home and watch TV   the New Stone Age. I’m proud to say that we are the first
            with my parents.                                      miners. Our men, who are really strong and well-built,
                                                                  are excavating copper mine. Our greatest invention is the
            A) go / stay                                          wheel. It’s a circular object which makes vehicles move.
                                                                  This is the turning point for all humankind. I think that
            B) going / stay
                                                                  people will benefit from the wheel too much in the future.
            C) going / staying
                                                                  A) a vehicle
            D) go / staying
                                                                  B) a new scientific idea
            E) going / to stay
                                                                  C) the development of humanity
                                                                  D) a milestone

                                                                  E) a means of transportation

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