P. 229



          a) Answer the following questions.
           1. What supernatural power or ability would you most like to have, and how do you think it would help you in your daily life?
           2. If you could create your own superhero or superheroine with unique powers, what features and abilities would you give them?
             How would they use these abilities to serve and protect others?
           3. If you could talk to any superhero or superheroine, what would you ask them about their superpowers and the challenges they
             face to balance their personal and heroic lives?
           4. Which superhero or superheroine do you think has the coolest costume or outfit that fits their superpowers?

          b) Listen to the dialogue and tick the correct statements.

                1.  Helen bought Alaaddin’s magic lamp from a shop in Jordan.
                2.  Helen wishes Tom could set off for Jordan in his lifetime.
                3.  Helen wants to impress people with her great storytelling.

                4.  Tom finds Helen’s wish for storytelling quite ordinary.
                5.  Tom advises Helen not to get involved in people’s problems.
                6.  Tom thinks going back in time is totally useless.

                7.  Tom wants to shapeshift into any form except the one that can be carried in pockets.
                8.  Helen thinks Tom’s shapeshifting into a pair of sunglasses is not a good idea.

          c) Listen to the dialogue again and decide who might have said these statements, Helen or Tom.

              1. I wish I didn’t have a lifelong misery because I can’t go back and change it.  ___________
              2. I wish my tongue were the muse of my voice.                    ___________

              3. I wish I could decline people from the bottom of my heart.     ___________
              4. I wish I could explore new places easily.                      ___________

          Choose a topic below and ask your deskmate whether s/he has heard about it or not. If yes, share your ideas and opinions
          about supernatural powers.

          Telekinesis: The ability to move objects with the power of the mind
          Telepathy: The power to communicate with others using only thoughts
          Invisibility: The ability to become unseen by others
          Mind control: The power to influence or manipulate the thoughts and actions of others
          Precognition: The ability to see or predict future events
          Elemental manipulation: The power to control and manipulate the elements such as fire, water, air, and earth
          Superhuman strength: Extraordinary physical strength beyond that of a normal human
          Flight: The ability to defy gravity and fly through the air
          Time manipulation: The power to control or manipulate time, such as slowing it down or

                              traveling through it
          Weather control: The power to manipulate and control weather patterns
          Teleportation: The ability to instantly move from one location to another
          Animal communication: The ability to understand and communicate with animals
          Time travel: The ability to travel backward or forward in time

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