P. 230



                                           IF CLAUSE TYPE 2 CONDITIONAL
         Type 2 conditional sentences are used to talk about hypothetical or unlikely situations and their possible outcomes in the present
         or future. They follow the structure ‘If + simple past verb, would / could / might + base verb’.

             -   If I won the lottery, I would buy a house.
             -   If she studied harder, she would get better grades.
             -   If I had more time, I could learn a new language.
             -   If I were you, I would take that job offer.

         Be careful!
             -   If I had more free time, I would travel the world. (I don’t have free time so I won’t travel the world – an imaginary situation,
                 not possible)
             -   If I have more free time, I will travel the world. (I may travel the world – a possible situation)

                                                     WISH CLAUSE

         The verb wish is used to talk about things we want but cannot get.
         ‘wish + past simple’: When we want to say that we would like something to be different in the present or future.

             -   I wish I had a room of my own. (It means I don’t have a room of my own.)

             After the subject pronouns I and we, we use could instead of would.

             -   I wish I could fly. (It means I can’t fly.)

             We can use were instead of was for all persons.
             -   I wish she were here. (It means she isn’t here.)

             -   We wish our team would win the championship.
             -   He wishes he were taller.
             -   I wish I could attend the concert next week.
             -   He wishes he could pass his driving test on the first attempt.

        a)  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

          1.  If I ___________________________________ (be) you, I wouldn’t drive fast in the snow.

          2.  Peter ___________________________________  (be able to) help you if he were here.

          3.  If I had a toothache, I ___________________________________  (go) to the dentist.

          4.  If Jane ___________________________________  (be) older, she could live by herself.

          5.  Robert ___________________________________  (feel) better if you talked to him.

          6.  If Ayşe was living still nearby, we ___________________________________  (can / invite) her for dinner.

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