P. 228



          WARM UP
          a) Answer the following questions.
           1.  What are the typical abilities or powers that characters in fictional works possess?
           2.  Are there any legendary or mythical stories that feature characters with supernatural powers?
           3.  Do characters with supernatural powers typically use them for good or evil purposes?

          b) Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box. One is extra.

                   caring               rope               orphan               cling         hand-to-hand combat

                  creative           courageous             fair             imagination         armoured suit
                   agile              durable             inspiring            patient             modest

              1  _________________   to hold on tightly or adhere closely to something or someone
                                     close-quarters combat, involving physical engagement between individuals without the use
                 _________________   of weapons
                                     a protective outfit made of strong and sturdy materials, designed to shield the wearer from
                 _________________   harm or injury
              4  _________________   characterized by quick and graceful movement; nimble and flexible

              5  _________________   able to withstand wear, decay, or damage; long-lasting and resilient
                                     a strong and thick cord made by twisting or braiding strands of fibre, used for various purpo-
                 _________________   ses such as tying or climbing
              7  _________________   a child whose parents are deceased or permanently absent
              8  _________________   arousing motivation, enthusiasm, or admiration in others; encouraging or uplifting

              9  _________________   showing concern, kindness, and attentiveness towards others
             10  _________________   possessing or displaying bravery and resolve, especially in challenging or risky situations

             11  _________________   treating people equally and justly; being impartial and free from bias or favouritism
             12  _________________   able to endure or tolerate waiting, delays, or difficulties with calmness and composure

             13  _________________   showing humility and a lack of excessive pride or self-importance; not boastful or arrogant
             14  _________________   having the ability to think imaginatively and generate original ideas or artistic expressions

          c) Match the pictures with the correct numbers in the table given in ‘Exercise b’
             A                   B                    C                   D                    E

             F                   G                    H                    I                   J

             K                          L                           M                          N

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