P. 225


          Multiple Choice

          7.   Choose the correct statement to complete the sentence.  10.  Find the irrelevant sentence in the paragraph.

            A watermill is a building ......                      (I) The invention of  the  television was  a turning point in
                                                                  human history.  (II) It was invented by John Logie Baird,
            A) that converts wind power into energy.              an English scientist, in 1926. (III) It has attracted billions of
            B) which uses a smartphone.                           people around the world since then. (IV) On the other hand,
                                                                  the Internet is another important invention, too  (V) Now,
            C) whose power source is water.                       nearly in all houses, there are at least two or three of them.
            D) which produces light from electricity.
                                                                  A) I
            E) which is used for boiling water.
                                                                  B) II
                                                                  C) III
                                                                  D) IV
                                                                  E) V

          8.   Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank.  11.  Which of the following is closest in meaning to the
                                                                    sentence given below?
            Men ...... were skillful and strong enough in the ancient
            times were working in the copper mines, which were    They caused chaos in the crowd because they were planning
            their sources of income and living.                   to build a factory in that area.

            A) which                                              A) They wanted to cause chaos in the crowd, so they planned
                                                                     to build a factory.
            B) when
                                                                  B) They were protesting the plan of building a factory, so
            C) who                                                   they caused chaos.
            D) whose                                              C) They planned to build a factory, so they didn’t want to

            E) where                                                 protest the crowd.
                                                                  D) They were fighting in the crowd, so they planned to build
                                                                     a factory in that area.
                                                                  E) They were planning to build a factory in that
                                                                     area, so they started chaos in the crowd.

          9.   Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph.  12.  Answer the following question according to the
            Many people are crazy about making videos about interesting
            topics or events in their life. This is called ‘vlogging’ or ‘video   The National Gallery is an art museum in Central London.
            blogging’. The videos contain a variety of topics ...... Mostly,   It was found in 1824 and it is among the most visited art
            people prefer original videos from their daily life and they upload   museums in the world. It hosts the national collection of
            them. And then they reply to comments and follow their likes.   paintings in the Western European tradition from the 13 to
            To get more likes, they try to be more active on social media.  the 19  centuries, and it is on show 361 days a year, free
                                                                  of charge.
            A) It is generally about sports, movies, private life etc.
                                                                  Which question does not have an answer in the paragraph?
            B) Likes and comments diversify the content of it.
            C) The people who use vlogging are more educated.     A) Where is The National Gallery?
            D) Vlogging is a common term which is used in social media.  B) How many days is it open to visitors?
            E) They can be about anything as long as they are not   C) How much do you have to pay for tickets?
              boring.                                             D) What are the centuries of the paintings?
                                                                  E) How can we get to the museum?

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