P. 253

Audio Scripts

            4                                           THEME

                Hi everyone, today I’m going to talk about my weekly routine. I work 5 days a week from Monday through Friday.
                Therefore, on these days I always get up at 6:30 and leave the house at 7:30. I often get back home after 8 p.m. I never
                work on Saturdays and Sundays. I have two days off. I go jogging on Saturday mornings because I love being in nature
                and also I take care of my health. Then, I have a big breakfast and do the chores such as cleaning the house or doing
                the washing. I eat out with my friends once a week and it’s usually on Saturday evenings as we don’t have to get up early
                the next day. On Sundays, I always go to the supermarket in the morning and do the weekly shopping. If the weather is

                nice, I go for a walk with my dog in the afternoon. Otherwise, I stay at home and rest. Reading with my coffee next to me
                is my favorite activity especially when it’s rainy. How about you? What’s your weekly routine?

            5                                           THEME

                James   Hi! How are you doing, mate?                   children’s education in poor countries. People
                Oliver   All is good. Good to see you.                 also admire Miley because of her supportive
                James   Nice to see you too. What are you doing?       character.
                Oliver   I’m watching Miley Hensen’s latest vlog. It’s a    James  Wow! It seems that she is very impressive. What
                       really interesting one.                         about her appearance?
                James   Miley Hensen? Who is that?              Oliver  She looks gorgeous. She has thick curly black
                Oliver   Don’t you really know her? I can’t believe that.     hair, dark eyes and an athletic physique. She is
                James   Why not? It’s true. Tell me about her, please.     tall, as well.
                Oliver   Well, Miley Hensen is a famous American actress.    James  Nice to know her. Can I watch her vlog with you?
                       She inspires millions of people with her acting    Oliver  Please! Come and sit with me.
                       skills and character. She’s generous, kind and    James  OK!
                       humble. She has a charity organization for

            6                                           THEME

               Listening-1         Taj Mahal
                Taj Mahal is the largest and one of the most visited monuments in the   Damien  Well, Brussels is the capital city of Belgium and is well-known
                world. It stands as a symbol of love. It is located in the city of Agra,      for its history, architecture, cuisine and politics since it is the
                India. It is close the River Jumna. It is one of the most important tourist      political capital of Europe at the same time.
                attractions in the world.                       Karen   Oh,  yes.  I  think  it  is  because  Brussels  is  home  to  many
                Emperor  Shah  Cihan  and  his  wife  Mumtaz  Mahal  had  a  great  love      important  European  institutions  such  as  the  European
                for each other. After his wife’s death, Shah Cihan wanted to build a      Parliament.
                monument for his beloved wife. The construction began in 1630 and   Damien   Absolutely!
                lasted for 20 years.                            Jason    Is there anything to add, Damien?
                There is a picture of Shah Cihan and his wife in Taj Mahal. You can also   Damien   Hmm…  Belgians  do  not  share  one  common  language.
                see many emeralds, diamonds and pearls in it. Thousands of people      French, Dutch and German are the languages spoken. In
                visit this monument every year. It is fascinating.     Brussels,  people  mostly  speak  French.  The  city  has
               Listening-2                                             damp,cool winters and rather mild summers. Brussels is a
                                                                       fascinating place and the best seasons to visit the city are
                Karen   Hello, hello and welcome to City Life podcast once more.       spring and summer.
                       This is Karen of London.                 Karen    What’s the best thing to eat there?
                Jason   And this is Jason of Cardiff. We have a lot to talk about today.    Damien   Chocolate!!!
                       Let’s move on to the first part of the program. We call it ‘Travel    Karen    No doubt!
                       and Explore’. Let’s see who’s on the line. Then, we will talk    Damien   You can find chocolate everywhere in the city, but the airport
                       about his city.                                 in Brussels is the largest chocolate selling point in the world!
                Karen   This time, Damien of Brussels is on the line. Hi, Damien!  Jason    Wow, amazing. OK, Damien, thanks for joining us. Stay safe
                Damien  Hi, Karen, hi, Jason!                          and happy!
                Karen   All right, Damien, you have two minutes to tell about Brussels.
                       Here you go!

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