P. 256
Audio Scripts
Eric Hello! Welcome to Absurd Facts Podcast. Eric Sounds interesting, but not healthy. OK, then. I have an
Judie Hey, Eric and hello, everyone. Are you ready for the new topic? interesting fact about ladies. First, what do platform shoes
Eric Oh, I’m sure it’s fun. mean to you?
Judie Let’s see. Why do you brush your teeth, Eric? Judie Ah, elegance. They’re really beautiful.
Eric My teeth? Of course for health and it isn’t good to have black Eric Yeah, they used to be quite fashionable in Venice in the 16
teeth, is it? and 17 centuries. However, the ladies didn’t use to wear them
Judie In 16 century Britain, it was actually. Sugar used to be very just for elegance.
expensive in those years and only the rich could afford to buy it. Judie Oh, then why?
And of course, Queen Elizabeth liked eating sweets too much Eric They used to wear long dresses, but the streets were dirty and
and her teeth turned black. muddy, so they used to wear these extremely high platforms
Eric Really? to keep their dresses clean. They were also a symbol of high
Judie And what’s interesting is that it was fashionable to have black society. The higher the platforms were, the more powerful they
teeth among the lower class, so they used to blacken their teeth were.
with coal to look like the queen. In this way, they could show that Judie Wow, that’s incredible.
they were rich. Eric Yeah! Another absurd fact is…
Receptionist Hotel Blossom. How may I help you? Client Sure. N-O-R-R-I-S.
Client Good morning. I’d like to make a reservation for the first Receptionist And could I have a contact number?
weekend of July. Do you have any vacancies? Client Yes, my cell phone number is 555-32568.
Receptionist Yes, sir. We have several rooms available for that particular Receptionist Great. Now, I’ll need the credit card information to complete
weekend. And what is the exact date of your arrival? your reservation. What is the card number?
Client The second of July. Client It’s 966745238.
Receptionist How long will you be staying? Receptionist And what is the name of the cardholder?
Client I’ll be staying for two nights. Client Steve Norris.
Receptionist How many people is the reservation for? Receptionist Alright, Mr Norris, your reservation has been made for the
Client There will be two of us. second of July for a room with a double bed and a sea view.
Receptionist And would you like a room with twin beds or a double bed? Check-in is at 12 o’clock. Could I have your email address for
Client A double bed, please. confirmation?
Receptionist Great. And would you prefer to have a deluxe room with a Client For sure,
sea view? Receptionist For further information, do not hesitate to call us, please.
Client Sure, that would be super. What’s the cost of the room? Client I’d like to know if you allow pets or not.
Receptionist Your room is 470 dollars per night, and breakfast is included. Receptionist Of course. Our hotel is pet-friendly.
What name will the reservation be listed under? Client Great! Thank you so much.
Client Steve Norris. Receptionist My pleasure. We’ll be pleased to welcome you to our hotel,
Receptionist Could you spell your last name, please? Mr Norris. Have a nice day!
Client Have a nice day.
Interviewer Hello, sir. We are doing street interviews Interviewee Yeah, it was very scary for me at first, too. But, after
and today’s topic is sports. May I ask you a while, I got used to it. If you have fast reflexes,
some questions, please? then it’s not a problem. And, for a short time,
Interviewee Yes, of course. I like sports. I played outfield as well.
Interviewer Thank you. Firstly, what sports do you like most? Interviewer Oh, you experienced different positions. How nice!
Interviewee I like baseball the most. Do you still play baseball?
Interviewer Well, when was the last time you played it? Interviewee Unfortunately, I just watch the matches on TV
Interviewee In fact, it was too many years ago. I played it when because there aren’t many opportunities around
I was in high school. here.
Interviewer What position did you play? Interviewer What a pity! Thank you for making time for us. Have
Interviewee I think I tried every position, but in the last few years, a good day.
I played third. Interviewee Bye.
Interviewer I hate third base. I think it’s scary when the ball is
coming towards you so fast, isn’t it?
254 English for Preparatory Class