P. 255
Audio Scripts
Listening-1 Listening-2
Joe In my opinion, people won’t need televisions in John What do you think about the effects of social media?
the future because the Internet is becoming more Sally In my opinion, there are both positive and negative points.
popular day by day and we do not watch TV much.
Kyle Can I add something here? Molly Do you agree that the TV is an effective way to learn new
Joe Sure. things?
Kyle Especially young people watch videos and live Mark To me, it is not.
the news, documentaries and matches on the Tony In my view, Internet addiction is an important factor for
Internet anywhere. To me, fewer people will prefer obesity. Jack: I couldn’t agree more.
TV because of this in the near future.
Tina I’m sorry for interrupting, but I think the TV will Gemma To my mind, school exams shouldn’t be compulsory.
always be the favorite for many people because Henry I have a different opinion about it.
there are many houses without a computer and Sofia How do you feel about social media’s future?
the Internet. Having a television is easier and also
cheaper. Benjamin I feel that it will dominate our lives.
Jane You have a point here, but in my opinion, every
house will have a computer and the Internet in the
future for lower costs.
Mike Sorry, may I have a word here?
Jane Sure.
Mike There are many poor countries in the world. It will
not be possible for them to have the Internet easily.
I think the TV will always be an important part of
our lives.
Sue Hi, Lisa! What’s up? Lisa That’s really sweet. So girls, do you have the first day of
Lisa Not much! Just surfing the Net. What about you? school excitement?
Sue Well, I’m fine. Look, I’ll introduce you to Brenda. Can you Brenda Even though it’s distance learning, my answer is absolutely
guess who she is? yes!
Lisa No idea! I think we haven’t met before. Sue Same here!
Sue No, you haven’t. She’s my cousin and she’s a new student at A few hours later...
our school. Brenda Good afternoon, Mr Bennet. This is Brenda calling.
Lisa Hi, Brenda! Nice to meet you. Welcome to Balamory High Mr Bennet Hi, Brenda! How can I help you?
School. Brenda: I’ve tried many times to make an online registration for the
Brenda Hi, Lisa! Thank you! membership of the school library, but it didn’t work.
Sue Brenda is not in the same class with us. She is in class Mr Bennet OK Brenda, wait a minute please. Could you spell your
10-C, but we’re going to take art lessons together because surname?
she’s really interested in drawing like us. Brenda L-L-O-Y-D
Lisa How nice! Where do you come from Brenda? Mr Bennet Which class are you in?
Brenda Germany. After living two years with my grandparents, Brenda 10-C.
I’m here again with my parents due to the pandemic. Mr Bennet How old are you?
Lisa Do you have any siblings? Brenda 15
Brenda No, I don’t. I’m the only child, but luckily, I have Sue. She’s Mr Bennet OK. And can you give me your telephone number?
more like a sister. We’ve spent most of our time together. Brenda 077 1483 5292
Sue Exactly, we’re best friends and I always appreciate her in Mr Bennet The access code will be sent via SMS to your mobile phone
many ways, especially her passion for reading and learning in a minute. Then you can complete the registration process.
new things in life. She is a real bookworm. Brenda Thank you, Mr Bennet.
Henry Hey, Matilda! Did you hear about the robbery that Henry I haven’t heard of any witnesses yet, but I’m sure the
happened down the street yesterday? police are questioning neighbours and checking
Matilda Are you serious, Henry? What happened? security camera footage.
Henry Well, I was walking my dog when I saw a couple of Matilda I hope they catch those thieves soon. It’s scary to think
police cars outside the Johnsons’ house. Apparently, that such incidents can happen so close to home.
someone broke into the house while they were away. Henry Absolutely! We need to be extra cautious and look
Matilda That’s terrible! Did they lose anything valuable? out for each other. Maybe we should consider
Henry Yes, unfortunately. They mentioned that the burglars strengthening the security measures around our
stole some jewellery and electronics. The family must houses too.
be devastated. Matilda That’s a good idea. Let’s watch for any suspicious
Matilda How did they manage to break in? activities and report them to the police immediately.
Henry It seems like they forced open the back door. The Henry I couldn’t agree more. Our neighbourhood should stay
Johnsons were shocked when they returned home and alert to such crimes.
found it wide open.
Matilda Were there any witnesses? Did anyone see anything
English for Preparatory Class 253