P. 62



          Order of Adjectives
          If we have more than one adjective in a sentence, we order them in the following way:
                                          Physical Description
           Determiner   Opinion                                         Origin    Material   Qualifier   Noun
                                    size    shape     age     colour

           a                      big                        yellow                         touring    bus

           an         amazing                       new               Italian                          car

           that                            round                                 plastic    toy        box

           their      cute                          old      white                                     dog

          Comparison of Adjectives
              We use the comparative form + than to compare two people or things.
                 Maria Sharapova is taller than Serena Williams.
                 Serena Williams is shorter than Maria Sharapova.
              We use as + adjective + as to show that two things are the same.
                 Serena Williams isn’t as tall as Maria Sharapova.
                 Watching Maria Sharapova is as enjoyable as watching Serena Williams on the court.
              We use the + superlative form + of / in to compare one person or thing with more than one person or thing in the same group.
                 Serena Williams is one of the best tennis players in the world.

          Expressing Agreement & Disagreement

                            Agreement                                         Disagreement
           I agree with you.                            I (totally) disagree with you.

           I agree to an extent.                        I think vice versa.

           That’s for sure.                             I’m afraid I don’t think the same.
           That’s true.                                 I don’t think so.

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