P. 63



          a) Put the adjectives in the correct order.
            1.        This movie is new. It’s for the kids. And it’s amusing.
            e.g. :  It’s an amusing new kids movie (or It’s an amusing new movie for the kids.)

            2.        These sneakers are modern. They’re for walking. And they’re stylish.
                     They ________________________________________________________________________.

            3.        This PC is for business. It’s Chinese. And it’s terrific.

            4.        That one is new fashion. It’s cotton. And it’s beautiful.

          b) Put the adjectives in the correct order.

           Dear Sir,
           This letter is for my missing bag. I think I left it on the bus after watching a fashion show. It is (1) ________________________ a(n)

           (purple / old / large) cross bag. There is a (2) ________________________ (silk / beige / new) scarf in it. I took it that day. There is
           also a(n) (3) ________________________ (big / expensive / white) smart phone and a(n) (4) ________________________ (brown
           / old) wallet in it. There is my ID card in the wallet which is very important for me. Would you please inform me if someone finds it?
           I hope to hear from you soon.

          c) Read the sentences and choose the correct option.

           1.   Oh, look at that wedding dress. It is as elegant / more elegant as a swan. No matter how much it costs, I really want to buy it.

           2.   I couldn’t decide which blouse to buy. I like the pink one but the red one is much cheap / cheaper.
           3.   I generally prefer casual clothes in my office. Casual clothes are more comfortable / the most comfortable when compared to
                formal clothes.

           4.   I am sure that this long dress will fit you better / the best than me.

           5.   Here is your change. It is more / the most than you calculated.

          d) Complete the dialogue between Liam and Emma with the expressions given.

             What do you think?      I disagree        I don’t think      I’m not so sure    I’m convinced

                  Liam:   Is that your new post about the marketing campaign? I mean this one.
                  Emma:  Oh, yes! (1) ____________________________

                  Liam:   Well… I think it looks nice, but (2) ____________________________ that it’ll be effective. It
                          could be more impressive.

                  Emma:  Really? But I followed the advice. A nice picture, bright colours, etc.

                  Liam:   (3) ____________________________. It can be brighter, and the text is too long. A long text is a
                          disadvantage, people may not get the main idea. (4) ____________________________ the
                          client will be happy with this.
                  Emma:  OK, (5) ____________________________. I will follow your advice.

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