P. 92


          Multiple Choice

          1.  Which of the following is correct according to the   4.  Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
                                                                  Christina  : Where is Chichen Itza?
              The Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid of Giza   Roy          : It’s in Mexico.
            as his tomb. Thousands of workers worked to build it. They   Christina  : Who built the city?
            used five million stone blocks. It was 146 meters high, but the
            strong winds damaged it. Now, it is about 139 meters high. It   Roy          : The Mayans.
            still survives.                                       Christina  : ..... ?
                                                                  Roy          : In the early 400s AD.
            A) The tomb was higher in the past than it is today.
            B) The workers used wood to build it.                 A) Where did they build it
            C) They didn’t use so many blocks for it.             B) When did they build it
            D) The earthquake damaged the tomb.                   C) How long did it take to build it
            E) It isn’t possible to see the pyramid now.          D) How many people did work in the construction of it
                                                                  E) Why did they build it

          2.  Which question doesn’t have an answer in the paragraph?  5.  Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
                                                                    Anna   : Hi Lyan! Can I ask you a few questions about my
              The Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu built the Great Pyramid of Giza
            as his tomb. Thousands of workers worked to build it. They               history homework.
            used five million stone blocks. It was 146 meters high. But the   Lyan   : Sure.
            strong winds damaged it. Now it is about 139 meters high. It   Anna   : ______________ is the ancient city Petra?
            still survives.                                       Lyan   : It’s in Jordan.
                                                                  Anna   : ______________ built it?
            A) Who built the Great Pyramid of Giza?
                                                                  Lyan   : The Nabataeans.
            B) How many stone blocks did the workers use?         Anna   : ______________ is it called as the “Rose City”?
            C) Why did Pharaoh Khufu build the Great Pyramid of Giza?  Lyan   : Because of the color of the stones used in its
            D) When did the Pharaoh build the Great Pyramid of Giza?          buildings.
            E) How high was the Great Pyramid of Giza?
                                                                  A) Who / Where / How
                                                                  B) Where / Who / When
                                                                  C) How old / Which / Why
                                                                  D) Why / What / How long
                                                                  E) Where / Who / Why

          3.  Which of the following is not mentioned in the paragraph?   6.   Choose the correct option to complete the dialogue.
              Gordion  is  close  to  the  village  of  Yassıhöyük.  It  was  the   Stan: Hi Danny! How was your weekend?
            capital city of the Phrygian Empire. The remains of Gordion   Danny: It was awful.
            are about 100 km from Ankara and 29 km northwest of   Stan: What happened?
            Polatlı. The mount is located above the Sakarya River and
            Porsuk Creek. The first excavations started in 1901 and still   Danny: ...... .
            continue today. As a result of excavations, the city gate,   Stan: Oh! I’m so sorry for you.
            palace remains and houses have been discovered. There are   A) I went to an amazing party
            about 35 tumuli in the ancient Gordion city. The most famous   B) We lost the match
            tumulus is the King Midas’s Tomb. According to the legend,
            King Midas was a greedy king and wanted everything he   C) My friend gave me a nice present
            touched to turn into gold. We can see the remains in Ankara   D) We visited the historical places in Cappadocia
            Anatolian Civilizations Museum and Gordion Museum.    E) I watched a very good film with my friends
            A) The excavations are ongoing today.
            B) King Midas’s Tomb was the biggest of all the tumuli.
            C) The ancient Gordion city is located close to Ankara.
            D) People can see some remains from the ancient city
              in Anatolian Civilizations Museum.
            E) The excavations started at the beginning of the
              twentieth century.

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