P. 94


                                                     ANSWER KEY

                          a)  Students’ own answers
          Vocabulary      b)  1. D           2. F           3. G            4. H           5. A           6. I           7. J           8. B           9. C           10. E

                         a)  Students’ own answers       b)  Students’ own answers
          Listening      c)  1. the Phrygians  2. about 60 meters  3. protection from the enemies 4. a resident of the area 5. ventilations
                             Speaking   Students’ own answers
                          a)  1. had  2. prepared 3. promoted  4. returned 5. decided  6. wore 7. enjoyed  8. hit  9. happened 10. called
                         b)  1. g   2. d   3. h   4. a    5. b   6. f   7. k   8. c   9. j    10. i   Extra: e
                          c)  1. herself    2. themselves    3. themselves    4. itself      5. themselves
                             6. ourselves    7. itself      8. yourself    9. herself    10. themselves

                          a)  A - 3   B - 2   C - 1
                          b)  1. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
                             2. Ptolemy I Soter (Alexander the Great’s son) started the construction and Ptolemy II Philadelphus completed it.
                             3. To help guide ships into the port at night.
                             4. Earthquakes damaged and destroyed it.
                             5. Blocks and stones are still under the sea water.   c) Students’ own answers
                          d)   The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum in Agra, India.   It was built between 1631 and 1648.   It’s one of the
                             world’s most beautiful structures, and it’s an emblem of endless love.  Shah Jahan built it in memory of
                             his wife.   He was extremely wealthy and promised his dying wife to form the foremost beautiful tomb
          Reading            known to man.  It was built with great marbles which may change colour.   For instance, if it’s daylight,
                             it’s white.  in the morning, it becomes pink, and on a moonlight night, it’s metallic.   There’s a central hall
                             with acoustics and eight-side rooms within the mausoleum.   Inside the mausoleum are the tombs of Shah
                             and his wife.   An enormous pool in the garden reflects the sweetness of the building, sort of a mirror.
                          e)   A. the structure of The Taj Mahal  6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11  f)   1.    B.
                             B. what it is and its location  1            2.    D.
                             C. the purpose of building   4               3.    E.
                             D. when it was built     2                   4.    C.
                             E. why it is special     3                   5.    F.
                             F. the person who built it  5                6.    A.   Writing   Students’ own answers
                             Seven Wonders of the Ancient World         New Seven Wonders of the World
                             Great Pyramid of Giza (Egypt)              Great Wall of China (China)
                             Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Iraq)          Christ the Redeemer (Brazil)
                             Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Greece)         Machu Picchu (Peru)
          Culture Corner
                             Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (Türkiye)     Petra (Jordan)
                             Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Türkiye)       Chichen Itza (Mexico)
                             Colossus of Rhodes (Greece)                The Colosseum (Italy)
                             Lighthouse of Alexandria (Egypt)           Taj Mahal (India)
                                                                                         Multiple Choice
                                                                                        1)  A       2)  D

                                                                                        3)  B       4)  B

                                                                                        5)  E       6)  B
          Fun page
          Wordsearch                                                                    7)  D       8)  E

                                                                                        9)  A      10)  B

                                                                                       11)  C      12)  B

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